Diamonds break when they are subjected to impact, and sometimes, when there is a buildup of pressure inside the stone (called strain), a slight tap in just the right place (or just the wrong place) will result in the stone breaking so the pressure can escape.
A diamond is the hardest natural substance on earth, but if it is placed in an oven and the temperature is raised to about 763º Celsius (1405º Fahrenheit), it will simply vanish, without even ash remaining. Only a little carbon dioxide will have been released.
To answer the question posed, no, it is not easy to shatter a diamond. But they are breakable if you try hard enough. In fact, despite the enormous evidence of how tough diamonds are, they can still be incredibly fragile. Hitting a diamond at the right spot and the correct angle could cause it to chip.
Diamonds are given the highest number, a 10. There is nothing that can scratch a diamond except another diamond. A mineral like talc, on the other hand, is a 1 on the scale.
Diamonds are very stable and invulnerable to virtually all acids. They can also withstand higher temperatures than most gemstones. Sudden extreme temperature changes can cause damage, however. Diamonds can chip or fracture from hard impact, especially in areas where the carbon atoms are not tightly bonded.
Prior research has shown that diamond is the hardest known material but it is also fragile—despite their hardness, diamonds can be easily cut or even smashed. This is because of their ordered atomic structure. Scientists have tried for years to synthesize diamonds that retain their hardness but are less fragile.
Diamonds are ranked a 10 on the Mohs Scale of Hardness; all other minerals are ranked 9 or below. Anything with a hardness below that of a diamond cannot scratch a diamond. That means only a diamond can scratch a diamond.
Diamonds will burn at about 1562°F (850°C). House fires and jewelers' torches can reach that temperature. A house fire caused the white, cloudy appearance of this diamond (left). The stone was recut to remove the burned area, reducing the diamond's size, but leaving no sign that it was ever damaged (right).
Salt water can also damage the overall appearance of your diamond by dulling the stones and causing them to become less shiny.
But the water itself is the main issue… Salt water can make your diamond look cloudy and the chlorine and chemicals in swimming pools and hot tubs can damage the metal of the ring itself. If you're planning on a swim, maybe leave your ring at home just to be on the safe side.
Diamonds don't shatter when exposed to high heats.
As a result, diamonds are incredibly durable and aren't susceptible to damage from high heat. Fake diamonds, on the other hand, cannot handle heat nearly as well because they are made of weaker materials.
Toughness: Diamond's ability to resist breakage and chipping allows it to become impervious to damage. However, the stone can break or fracture when hit with heavy metal or rock, weakening crystal bonds within the stone.
For that reason, it is recommended that you not attempt to clean your diamond by boiling it. Boiling is no more effective than other methods of cleaning and carries a greater risk of damage to the stone and to the jewelry's metal parts.
While your diamond won't be damaged by exposure to sand or salt, it's possible that prolonged exposure can cause weakening of the metal. Sand and salt combined with sunscreen can have the effect of sandpaper if your jewelry pieces are exposed to them and not properly cleaned.
If it's a real diamond, the stone will remain unharmed, but if it's fake it will shatter to pieces. This will happen since weaker materials are not able to handle the rate at which the materials expand and then contract due to the heat of the fire.
Even without pure oxygen, diamonds can be damaged by flame, according to the Gemological Institute of America (GIA). Typically, a diamond caught in a house fire or by an overzealous jeweler's torch will not go up in smoke, but instead will combust on the surface enough to look cloudy and white.
Can a bullet shatter a diamond? Yes, because diamonds are hard, but not tough. That means that even though they can cut through rock like butter if they are in drill bits, but if you hammer that same drill bit, the diamond part will shatter at certain angles because of their fracture.
Yes, diamonds can melt under certain circumstances. However, burning one isn't as simple as it sounds; You definitely can't unintentionally set your diamond ring ablaze with a cigarette lighter. Burning a diamond requires fluid oxygen and an exceptionally hot torch.
Mohs Hardness Scale
Diamond is the hardest mineral; no other mineral can scratch a diamond. Quartz is a 7. It can be scratched by topaz, corundum, and diamond. Quartz will scratch minerals that have a lower number on the scale.
Hard-bristled toothbrushes and scrub pads may scratch your diamond, marring its beautiful sparkle and lowering its values. Likewise, abrasive cleaners, like baking soda, powdered cleaners or even toothpaste, can damage your band.
Although diamonds are not fragile or prone to breaking apart, all substances including diamonds can fracture or shatter. Due to their particular crystal structure, diamonds have certain planes of weakness along which they can be split. Diamonds brilliance and luster are two of its most valued attributes.
While there may not be many naturally-occurring materials out there that are stronger than diamonds, certain man-made metals like tungsten and steel have a higher tensile strength. That means a direct hit with an ordinary hammer can absolutely break a diamond.
If you have a loose diamond to test, fill a regular glass about ¾ of the way full with water. Gently drop the diamond into the glass. If the diamond sinks to the bottom, it's real. If it floats at the surface or just underneath, it's likely a fake.