A major change or a distressing event in a dog's life can sometimes bring on symptoms of depression and/or anxiety. For example, the loss of its owner or a companion animal, or even a sense of grief being experienced by those around them, can all affect a dog's overall emotions.
Beaver said major changes in a dog's life could lead to periods of depression. Those include moving into a new home, a new spouse or baby in the household, or adding another pet. Even a change in the dog's schedule, for instance a stay-at-home owner who takes a job, can cause a dog to get down.
If your dog's symptoms of depression are accompanied by any other signs, like vomiting, diarrhea, severe lethargy, significant aggression, peeing or pooping more often, and so on, take your dog to the vet right away.
There are several reasons that could be causing your dog to appear tired and listless. The most common causes of lethargy in dogs are: Infection, including parvovirus, distemper, kennel cough and leptospirosis. Metabolic diseases, such as heart problems, liver problems, diabetes, and hypoglycaemia.
Low mood in dogs can be caused by a number of things, from a stressful move to the loss of a loved one. It can even be caused by something as simple as boredom.
Depression makes a dog extremely lethargic and tired, it's normal for dogs to sleep for around 12 hours a day and spend the rest of their time playing, walking, eating and relaxing. When they're depressed, you'll notice them sleeping a lot more and they'll lose interest in the things they usually enjoy.
While it is unusual for a dog to die from depression alone, if your dog has a chronic health condition such as diabetes, not eating could contribute to a life threatening situation.
When dogs are in pain or don't feel well, they tend to display behavioral changes, such as decreased activity or lethargy. Some sick dogs that are normally social may start to withdraw. A kind and energetic pet may begin to show snippiness or aggression.
If your dog suddenly loses interest in playing, going for walks, and other things that would normally excite her, take note. Dogs who become less active, slow down, or seem to lose purpose may be suffering from dog depression.
Signs a Dog May Be Feeling 'Sad'
A depressed dog may stop eating and drinking, become lethargic and withdrawn, or their depression can manifest as anxiety, and the dog may become destructive. A depressed dog might also become aggressive, Inman says.
Your dog may be isolating himself because of a mental or physical condition, the reason of which could vary. Anxieties and fears are commonly seen in dogs, and can develop due to a number of reasons, such as poor socialization or trauma.
“There is no scientific evidence that dogs suffer from seasonal affective disorder. If a dog seems lethargic or off their feed, it is best to have them checked by a veterinarian to make sure there is not an underlying medical issue.”
Common symptoms of anxiety include increased vigilance, drooling, panting, restlessness, compulsive behavior, changes in sleep patterns, more barking than usual, urinating or defecating indoors, destructive behavior, and depression.
Your dog's big puppy eyes might sometimes prompt you to ask why they look so sad, but researchers seem to believe that the classic sad dog look has more to do with evolution, communication and connection than with a dog's emotional health. Depression in dogs, on the other hand, tends to be more subtle.
There are many things that can cause a loss of energy in a dog. Any kind of infection, whether it be viral, bacteria or fungal, can cause loss of energy. Heart disease or breathing problems of any kind can make a dog feel tired. Hormonal disorders, such as low thyroid, can cause increased lethargy.
Dogs with mental health issues can also exhibit behavior problems, such as aggression, excessive barking, or destructive chewing. These unwanted behaviors can be disruptive and even dangerous. They may require help from your veterinarian or a certified expert in dog behavior or training.
There is nothing wrong with being out for hours with your dog, but you should combine running around with outside training exercises and calming low impact games such as 'find it' (sprinkling food on the ground for your dog to find).
Various studies have been done on dogs, including brain scans, to determine that dogs displayed negative emotions while their owner was away. Dogs can actually start missing their owners from the moment they part ways, and keep missing them more up until two hours.