Wear the Right Stuff
Black flies are often attracted to dark clothing, much like the shade or darker areas. To ward these pests away, try wearing bright colors or white clothes when you head out. Not only will this help deter them, but it will also make them easier to spot should they land on you.
Afraid of shadows
The flies looked startled and, if flying, increased their speed. Occasionally the flies froze in place, a defensive behaviour also observed in the fear responses of rodents. The shadows even caused hungry flies to leave a food source, when that was presented during another phase of the experiment.
Flies are one of the only bugs that are actively affected by colors. While designing more effective fly traps, researchers from the University of Florida found that flies are attracted to blue tones and repelled by warm tones like yellow.
Context in source publication. ... the free choice experiment, the highest numbers of resting flies were found on dark blue and white, both were statistically at par, followed by sky blue and red, while yellow and black were least preferred colors.
Flies are three times more attracted to the colour blue than they are to yellow. Researchers used these findings to develop a fly control device that entices flies using a range of “attractants”, including colour and smell.
Flies cannot fly off at an angle and have to fly straight upwards before being able to head off in another direction. This leaves them vulnerable for the first few inches of their flight and easier to trap. Another weakness is the fly's inability to respond when confronted with two threats at the same time.
You don't need to be a professional pest controller to know that insects such as flies are attracted to light. Think of all those times you've seen moths, beetles and other insects frantically flying around light fixtures and street lamps when it's dark.
Thus, wben the attractiveness of two colours is close, e.g. sky blue and white, medium grey and yellow, or even occasionally with green and yellow, either one or other colour may record the greater number of flies.
Insects generally see 3 colors of light, Ultraviolet (UV), blue and green. Bright white or bluish lights (mercury vapor, white incandescent and white florescent) are the most attractive to insects. Yellowish, pinkish, or orange (sodium vapor, halogen, dichroic yellow) are the least attractive to most insects.
When trying to figure out why flies are angry, research showed that Drosophila produces a pheromone, and this chemical messenger promotes aggression, directly linked to specific neurons in the fly's antenna.
Things Flies Hate
Basil, bay leaf, cedar, cinnamon, citrus, citronella, cloves, cucumber slices or peels, lavender, marigolds, mint, peppermint, pine, rosemary, and vanilla oils and air fresheners are a few popular choices for fly repellents.
Fear of bugs, insects and creepy crawlies is completely normal. What's not normal is taking that fear to the extreme.
A key to making the device effective was the discovery that flies are three times more attracted to the color blue than to yellow and that yellow actually seemed to repel flies.
Research also shows that black flies are more attracted to dark colors than to light colors; hikers who dress accordingly are less likely to be bothered. In order to avoid being bothered by black flies, hikers often tightly tuck in their shirts and pants.
Quite simply get a glass spray bottle and mix one cup of vodka with a teaspoon of organic lemon eucalyptus oil and two teaspoons of aloe vera juice. Spray all areas and surfaces that have or may attract flies to distract them. As with some mosquito repellents, this solution blend is safe to apply to your skin.
Cinnamon – use cinnamon as an air freshner, as flies hate the smell! Lavender, eucalyptus, peppermint and lemongrass essential oils – Not only will spraying these oils around the house create a beautiful aroma, but they will also deter those pesky flies too.
Houseflies LOVE the scent of food, garbage, feces, and other smelly things like your pet's food bowl. They're also attracted to your body if you have a layer of natural oils and salt or dead skin cells built up.
They are attracted to all types of food, including human food, pet food, animal feed, food waste and even faeces. Seeing adult flies is usually the most common sign of activity and a potential problem.
What attracts flies to sit on humans? Flies are attracted to carbon dioxide which human beings breathe out. Flies feed on dead cells and open wounds. Oily hair is an attractant.
It seems this light source is also attractive to insects, too. Rentokil's global study of insect attraction to light found LED technology, when combined with an insect light trap, was a superior attractant in killing and capturing flies than traditional light sources.
Flies hate the smell of essential oils like lemon grass, peppermint, lavender and eucalyptus – put a few drops in a spray bottle and use around the house daily. They also hate the smell of camphor (a traditional moth deterrent) which you can buy online, cloves and cinnamon.
Slap the fly with one hand.
Swat a fly by trapping it between one hand and a hard, flat surface that you have gotten it to land on. Move slowly toward the fly, then slap it quickly and firmly with your hand. Approach the fly very slowly until you are within an arm's length of it.
The flies, they found, receive pain messages via sensory neurons in their ventral nerve cord, the insect equivalent of a spinal cord.