In addition, dark colors offer more protection than light colors. For example, a long-sleeved denim shirt provides an SPF of about 1,700, while a white t-shirt provides an SPF of about 7.
Black. Black is the color of protection, banishing, grounding, and safety. Feel like your sense of safety has been shaken in the craziness of the world recently? Wear and work with black to reestablish boundaries, protect your energy, banish negative energy, and ground down into more security and safety.
And as feng shui expert Anjie Cho previously explained to mindbodygreen, red is also a color of protection and vitality.
Indigo. Indigo is associated with psychic ability. In healing, use indigo for relaxation, reassurance and promoting psychism. In the aura indigo signifies a seeker, often of spiritual truth.
Of all colours tested, dark blue offered the best levels of UV protection, making it the best colour to wear in the sun. Contrary to the popular belief that they are the coolest colours in the sun, white and yellow were the worst performing colours in terms of UV protection.
Dark or bright colors, including red, black and navy blue, absorb more UV rays than lighter colors like whites and pastels. For example, an everyday white cotton T-shirt has a UPF of only about 5. As a rule of thumb, the more intense the hue, the better protection the clothing will provide.
Because though the sun emits strongest in the green part of the spectrum, it also emits strongly in all the visible colors – red through blue (400nm to 600nm).
Symbolizing empathy, freshness, and vitality, the color blue is an enduring favorite when it comes to interiors. Whether using it as a statement pattern, as a bold block color, or as a subtle accent, using blue in the home is a tried-and-tested method to reduce stress, calm, and heal the mind.
Yellow is the colour of inspiration, happiness, and the sun (the power source of life). It also symbolises communication, self-esteem, and power. Even scientific research state that the hormone associated with happiness increases by yellow colour.
Green. Green is the color of nature; it emits a feeling of balance, harmony and growth. It signifies health, serenity, and tranquility.
Blue-turquoise stones on jewelry, belts and weapons, will safeguard people and animals and even plants (chaimalia) against Evil. Blue “eyes” and blue stones mounted on gold and silver are presented to babies and small children as a talisman for protection, like the sky-blue scarf around the neck of boy-scouts.
Red. Red attracts the most attention and is associated with strong emotions, such as love, passion, and anger. It's the universal color to signify strength, power, courage, and danger. Red is vibrant, stimulating and exciting with a strong link to sexuality and increased appetites.
Blue the Color of Peace
As a primary color (and the most popular color on the spectrum), blue is a building block for many other colors and shades, but in its purest form, blue represents peace and tranquility.
The color red is often used to send messages of confidence to the public. In color psychology, red elicits the greatest feelings of any color. While calmer colors like green and blue are typically considered serene and soothing, red is the hottest and most emotional color.
Red is the most powerful color amongst all. It has a tendency to stimulate mind and attract attention.
When it comes to visible light, the highest frequency color, which is violet, also has the most energy. The lowest frequency of visible light, which is red, has the least energy.
Most often, warm colors (yellow, red, and orange) are considered to be positive colors, while cool colors (blue, green, and purple) are considered to be negative.
Answer: Some of the colours best known to bring luck and prosperity based on numerology are red, orange, green and yellow.
The best colors to attract financial luck: Green and gold
Green has long been linked to money, luck, and success. It's also been linked to balance, peace, and healing. Meanwhile, gold symbolizes royalty, energy, power, and success.
Blue – A highly peaceful color, blue can be especially helpful for stress management because it can encourage a powerful sense of calm.
Red: Excitement, energy, passion, love, desire, speed, strength, power, heat, aggression, danger, fire, blood, war, violence, all things intense and passionate.
Blue. Though blue is a very basic and indeed a classic color, it is also a color that is very soothing to the mind and helps to reduce feelings of anxiety and stress.
Dark or bright colors
Darker colors, such as blue or black, absorb more UV rays than lighter shades like whites and pastels. This means the UV rays are less likely to reach your skin. But bright colors, like red, can also absorb UV rays.
In addition to this, Sun also makes a person disciplined, influential, administrator, analyst, inventor and a person who achieves success with time. Sun is extremely strong when it is in Aries, Leo and Sagittarius sign. Sun is exalted in Aries sign.
As a perfect mirror reflects back all the colours comprising white light, it's also white. That said, real mirrors aren't perfect, and their surface atoms give any reflection a very slight green tinge, as the atoms in the glass reflect back green light more strongly than any other colour.