The countries least affected by cheese consumption also have their ranking. We find China (0.1 kg per person), Mongolia (0.3 kg per person) and Zimbabwe (0.6 kg per person). Afterwards, we can also ask ourselves the question: do Scandinavians eat quality cheese? Because there is cheese and cheese, huh...
The International Dairy Federation estimates that France holds the title for the most cheese consumed in a year per capita, but Italy boasts a close second.
The Netherlands, France, and Italy are all world renowned for their cheese production and were also some of the top exporters of cheese in that year.
The top cheese consumer is Denmark. The country consumes 28.1 kilograms of cheese consumption per capita. The second highest consumer is Iceland followed by Finland at 27.7 kilograms and 27.3 kilograms of cheese consumption per capita respectively. France follows closely at 27.2 kilograms of cheese per capita.
China is not known for its cheeses. In fact, ask most people in the country, and they'll tell you that Chinese people traditionally don't eat cheese at all.
Consorzio del Formaggio Parmigiano-Reggiano, Italy
Also known as the “King of Cheeses,” Parmigiano Reggiano has a long lineage stretching back hundreds of years.
It's no secret some of the best cheese in the world comes from France, Switzerland and Italy.
The earliest evidence of cheesemaking in the archaeological record dates back to 5500 BCE and is found in what is now Kuyavia, Poland, where strainers coated with milk-fat molecules have been found. Cheesemaking may have begun independently of this by the pressing and salting of curdled milk to preserve it.
According to Guinness World Records, Turkey has the largest per capita consumption of bread in the world as of 2000, with 199.6 kg (440 lb) per person; Turkey is followed in bread consumption by Serbia and Montenegro with 135 kg (297 lb 9.9 oz), and Bulgaria with 133.1 kg (293 lb 6.9 oz).
But according to the most recent data on Statista, Germany was the top exporter of cheese globally. In 2021, Germany's cheese exports had a value of $5.4 billion, followed by the Netherlands with $4.6 billion dollars in cheese exports.
The American anthropologist Marvin Harris found in a study that the majority of the Chinese suffer lactose intolerance. Thus, the main reason why this dairy product is not consumed in China may be genetic. However, there is also a cultural aspect, namely that the Chinese don't like milk or its derivatives.
There has not been dairy in the mainstream Chinese diet for centuries — no butter, no milk, no cheese, nothing. Ninety percent of the population is said to be lactose intolerant.
Pule cheese is the most expensive cheese in the world because it is produced exclusively at Serbia's Zasavica Special Nature Reserve. This rare cheese is made from the milk of Balkan donkeys which are endangered and native to Serbia and Montenegro.
The actual time and place of the origin of cheese and cheesemaking is unknown. The practice is closely related to the domestication of milk producing animals; primarily sheep, which began 8-10,000 years ago.
Brie is the best known French cheese and has the nickname "The Queen of Cheese". Brie is a soft cheese named after the French region Brie, where it was originally created.
It's no secret some of the best cheese in the world comes from France, Switzerland and Italy.
Surely, at the heart of every Wisconsinite, there is a little wedge of cheese, so it's only fitting that Plymouth, a small city in Sheboygan County, is the proclaimed Cheese Capital of the World! Spend the day amongst cheese and history, plus opportunities for family fun, with a day trip to this charming city!
Ruminants such as cows, goats, sheep (ewes), and water buffaloes are the most common milks that made some of the most delicious cheeses all around the world.
Italy: Parmigiano-Reggiano Cheese
There are many varieties of grana (hard cheeses used for grating), but the “king of cheeses” is the one named for the cities of Parma and Reggio in the Emilia-Romagna region. There is really no better in the world than the Parmigiano-Reggiano.