The key is lowering LDL and making lifestyle changes.
"Making plaque disappear is not possible, but we can shrink and stabilize it," says cardiologist Dr. Christopher Cannon, a Harvard Medical School professor. Plaque forms when cholesterol (above, in yellow) lodges in the wall of the artery.
If you have the gumption to make major changes to your lifestyle, you can, indeed, reverse coronary artery disease. This disease is the accumulation of cholesterol-laden plaque inside the arteries nourishing your heart, a process known as atherosclerosis.
Switch to healthy fats such as Mustard oil, Extra virgin olive oil and ensure that the majority of your fat intake is from healthy sources such as nuts, fish, and seeds. Instead of high-fat dairy, switch to skimmed or light versions. Reduce your intake of refined carbohydrates and cut down on all kinds of sugars.
Drink: Tea
Black and green tea are associated with a lower risk of heart attack and stroke, and short-term studies suggest it's good for your blood vessel health.
Magnesium supplementation can inhibit atherosclerotic plaque formation in animals on high-fat diets. More recent human studies have revealed strong associations between low magnesium levels and higher heart disease risks. This demonstrates that magnesium can be a powerful protective measure to maintain heart health.
Eat a balanced diet that's high in heart-healthy fruits, vegetables, and fish. Exercise for at least 30 to 60 minutes a day. Stop smoking, cause that's really bad news for your arteries. If your cholesterol is high, ask your doctor whether you should take cholesterol-lowering medication.
Optimal Vitamin K2 intake is crucial to avoid the calcium plaque buildup of atherosclerosis, thus keeping the risk and rate of calcification as low as possible.
Lemon acts as an antioxidant in the body and helps protect cells from damage caused by free radicals. Lemon peels which contain citrus flavonoids play a role in the treatment of insulin resistance, and can help prevent clogged arteries.
A landmark study led by Nissen 15 years ago called the ASTEROID trial found that patients who took a very strong statin daily for 2 years were able to reverse plaque buildup and thickening of their arteries.
In summary, fish oil may reduce atherosclerosis by activating numerous nuclear receptors including PPAR-alpha and PPAR-gamma, by inhibiting the infiltration of macrophages and as the release of MMPs, and by preventing the weakening and rupturing of atherosclerotic plaque.
Vitamin K2 MK-7 and the Activation of Osteocalcin and MGP
Taking a daily vitamin K2 MK-7 supplement is an action people can take to prevent arterial calcification. K2 has even been shown to reverse existing calcification and restore flexibility and elasticity to vessels. K2 regulates calcium in the body.
You can check for heart disease at home by measuring your pulse rate and your blood pressure if you have a blood pressure monitor. You can also monitor yourself for symptoms of heart disease, such as: Chest pain, pressure, discomfort, or tightness. Being short of breath.
Atherosclerosis, which causes diseases of the arteries, is a very common process. One of the biggest risk factors for atherosclerosis is age, so it is more common among people in their 60s and 70s, although there are many elderly people who don't have significant atherosclerosis.
Choose an aerobic activity such as walking, swimming, light jogging, or biking. Do this at least 3 to 4 times a week. Always do 5 minutes of stretching or moving around to warm up your muscles and heart before exercising. Allow time to cool down after you exercise.
Beetroot Juice
Beets can dilate the blood vessels, and in doing so increase blood flow throughout your body. Beetroot juice can also help lower your blood pressure, which is often a problem when your arteries are partly blocked.
They found those who drank larger amounts of coffee had a lower CAC reading - meaning they had less calcium deposits in their arteries allowing for better blood flow. However, researchers suggested to limit the intake to three cups a day because any more can be harmful.
Early studies suggested that turmeric may help prevent atherosclerosis, the buildup of plaque that can block arteries and lead to heart attack or stroke. In animal studies, an extract of turmeric lowered cholesterol levels and kept LDL (bad) cholesterol from building up in blood vessels.
“A 100% blocked artery does not mean a patient has to undergo a bypass surgery. Most of these blocks can be safely removed by performing an Angioplasty and the long term results are as good or are better than surgery.
The two most common non-surgical methods for treating CAD are: Angioplasty or balloon angioplasty. To begin this treatment, the doctor will thread a balloon through tubing which is threaded into your coronary arteries. The balloon will then be inflated in the areas of your arteries that have blockages.