The crafting process essentially purified the kyber crystals, turning them into a color that befitted her status as an autonomous individual. This is how Ahsoka Tano's lightsaber was born and what the white lightsaber represents—a force for good, but free of the burdens and restrictions of bureaucracy.
It appears rarely in the Star Wars universe—so rarely, in fact, that the current canon recognizes only one carrier of a white lightsaber. Ahsoka Tano, the former Jedi Padawan who aided in the rebellion against the Galactic Empire, is acknowledged as the sole possessor of the white lightsaber.
Blue lightsaber Color Meaning: signifies justice, truth, and serenity. Green lightsaber Color Meaning: Represents growth, harmony, and nature. Red lightsaber Color Meaning: Symbolizes anger, strength, and determination. Purple lightsaber Color Meaning: Signifies nobility, royalty, and wisdom.
Ahsoka's white lightsabers first appeared in the TV episode "Fire Across the Galaxy," the season one finale for Star Wars Rebels. According to Dave Filoni, one of the show's creators, the lightsaber blades are white to reflect her non-affiliation with the Jedi or Sith.
It's possible that Rey adopted the yellow-bladed lightsaber (or perhaps the kyber crystal conjured a yellow blade based on the changes within its wielder) in honor of those emotionally detached sentinels tasked with guarding the Jedi Order.
Red lightsabers are the weakest, according to a Star Wars study conducted at the University of Leicester regarding lightsaber colors. Decades of Star Wars lore has dictated that the red lightsabers favored by The Sith offered greater offensive capabilities than the softer colors favored by The Jedi.
Rey's lightsaber was a yellow-bladed lightsaber that was constructed as a personal weapon by the Jedi Rey Skywalker following the First Order-Resistance War.
Constructed by the ancient Mandalorian Jedi Tarre Viszla, the only true black-bladed lightsaber has become a symbol of strength and leadership among the strictly principled Mandalorian people.
Purple itself is considered the most powerful lightsaber color in the Star Wars galaxy. Very few Jedi have ever wielded a lightsaber of this color. The only two people known to have wielded a purple lightsaber are Mace Windu and Darth Revan in the past.
As a result, those who wielded a purple lightsaber had a strong connection to both the Light and Dark sides of the Force. Purple color is a combination of good and evil, the majority of Star wars characters were too loyal to one side or the other to wield a weapon of this genius and stealth.
Rey ignites her yellow-bladed lightsaber in the closing moments of The Rise of Skywalker. In the final moments of The Rise of Skywalker, Rey ignites her new lightsaber and reveals its yellow blade.
While countless fell to his Force skills, most were killed by Vader's crimson lightsaber which became one of the most feared weapons in the galaxy.
The Jedi Padawan Jolee Bindo fought for the Galactic Republic in the Great Sith War against the Sith Lord Exar Kun, who sought to establish a new Golden Age of the Sith. After the war ended in 3996 BBY, Bindo abandoned the Jedi Order and became a Gray Jedi.
While blue, red, and green lightsaber crystals are the most common colors in the Star Wars universe, purple lightsabers are less often seen, and these exceedingly rare crystals were used by few duelists throughout history. Jedi are most commonly seen with the purple lightsaber.
The Forbidden Forms were forms of lightsaber combat used by the Sith during the Sith Wars. According to the testimonies of the Jedi Cervil the Uncanny, lightwhips—a lightsaber variant with a flexible blade—were used to defend against Sith Lords who utilized the forms.
Leia Organa's lightsaber was a blue-bladed lightsaber powered by a kyber crystal in the core of the hilt. It was silver and copper in color and featured mother-of-pearl inlays. Organa's weapon was considered a work of art, having an elegant symmetry with silver and gold hues that evoke to her upbringing on Alderaan.
She's something else: Rey (meaning "king"), the first Jedi Sentinel master, with a crown at the base of her saber of gold.
As said above, the only known character in Star Wars canon to have an orange lightsaber is Cal Kestis. Cal was once a Jedi Padawan during the times of the clone wars. As such, during the game, he finds himself on the run from the empire, and eventually reaches his destiny of becoming a Jedi knight.
Lightsabers with ghostfire crystal cores also generated almost no sound and produced illusory afterimages of the blade that followed the motions of the wielder, the most curious effect of all which disguised the true position of the blade while also disorienting foes.
Beskar. The most well-known example of a lightsaber-resistant material, beskar is inexorably tied to Mandalorian culture. The iconic Mandalorian suit of armor, made famous but Boba Fett, Din Djarin, and Sabine Wren, is traditionally made of beskar and is passed down through Mandalorian clans for generations.
1/18 The Historic Skywalker Saber
Much can be said about the fabled Skywalker Lightsaber. It's been used by plenty of notable Jedi over the years, with the likes of Anakin and Luke Skywalker making it the franchise's most iconic weapon.