Signs of a midlife crisis in women can range from changes in body image or sexual satisfaction (often due to factors such as perimenopause or menopause) to emotional struggles surrounding career issues or dissatisfaction.
A recent study shows that midlife, the age range that spans between 40 and 65, can be quite tumultuous for women. During this time, women are not only dealing with biological changes, but they're also dealing with work problems, family issues, death, securing finances and reaching personal goals.
Mid-life crises last about 3–10 years in men and 2–5 years in women. A mid-life crisis could be caused by aging itself, or aging in combination with changes, problems, or regrets over: work or career (or lack thereof) spousal relationships (or lack of them)
Signs of a midlife crisis can range from mild to severe, including: Exhaustion, boredom, or discontentment with life or with a lifestyle (including other people and things) that previously provided fulfillment. Frantic energy; feeling restless and wanting to do something completely different.
Common triggers include job loss, health concerns, a parent's death or illness, children moving out, or even day-to-day overwhelm. The crisis period. This stage typically involves some examination of your doubts, relationships, values, and sense of self.
"When crisis point is reached they go through a profound psychological breakdown, often accompanied by symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression." Yuko Nippoda, psychotherapist and spokesperson for the UK Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP), adds that lack of energy and stamina can trigger a midlife crisis.
Common signs and symptoms of a midlife crisis may include: Anxiety. Abrupt career or lifestyle changes, such as quitting a job or moving homes. Behavior changes, including becoming antisocial, impulsive or irrational.
The drop in estrogen levels during perimenopause and menopause triggers physical and emotional changes such as depression or anxiety. Like at any other point in a woman's life, there is a relationship between hormone levels and physical and emotional symptoms.
Comparisons are another occurrence. A lot of people want to know, can marriages survive the midlife crisis, and the answer is yes. A midlife crisis destroying your marriage is a common fear of many married couples, but there is a way around a lot of these problems.
Yes, sometimes people who leave in the throes of a midlife crisis do come back. Sometimes, their partner no longer wants them. But rather than concentrate your energy on your husband's behavior and choices, I hope you will take a long look at your own life.
Good self-care can help with managing a midlife crisis. Regular exercise, a healthy diet, time with loved ones, support from family and friends, and time spent on meaningful hobbies can make midlife feel more meaningful. Some people also find support from self-help groups.
A midlife crisis can easily lead to divorce, as it leaves both parties feeling confused and agitated. The other spouse may feel abandoned while the spouse going through the midlife process may be making huge changes in their life, such as buying fancy items, changing their job, and even cheating.
What is a midlife crisis? “Midlife” takes place approximately between the ages of 40 and 60, give or take a few years. One common belief about this stage of life is that you should expect to face inner turmoil about your identity, life choices, and mortality — in other words, a midlife crisis.
For men, this stage can last around 3–10 years, and for women, 2–5 years. Here are some tips on how to handle and cope with a midlife crisis: Spend more time meditating. You should give yourself some sense of relaxation.
Unlike a medical condition, midlife anxiety doesn't have specific symptoms. Instead, it's a mixture of emotions, feelings, and body changes that lead to the strong sense that something needs to change.
They'll often report erratic sleep, problems with concentration and decision making, feeling flat, more anxious and “lost”. Physically, there may be stomach problems, headaches and unexplained aches and pains. People often explain these away as “getting older” but it's often the fallout of all the stress they're under.
Midlife Crises Can Lead to Divorce
Individuals often feel that they need to be more independent. They may also decide that their marriage is simply not fulfilling. It is not uncommon to have an affair or to engage in other behaviors that are hurtful to a marriage because of a midlife crisis.