' Dinna fash don't be troubled/bothered. Fash is from Old French fascher 'to annoy, weary'. The term was also commonly extended to mean 'afflicted', and Robert Burns uses the term with such a meaning in Holy Willie's Prayer: 'At times I'm fash'd wi' fleshly lust.
2. Dinna fash yersel'! To “fash” means to trouble, bother, or annoy. So, “dinna fash” means “don't worry!”
How do you say hello in Scottish Gaelic? 'Hello' in Scottish Gaelic is Halò. To say 'Good Morning' in Scottish Gaelic, we say Madainn Mhath! In the afternoon, we can say Feasgar Math which means 'Good Afternoon'.
'Hello' in Scottish Gaelic
In Scottish Gaelic, you greet others with 'halò'! Pronounced hallo, this phrase has you covered for greeting passers-by if you visit a Gaelic-speaking community. Alternatively, you could say good morning which is 'madainn mhath', pronounced ma-ten-va.
Perhaps the most famous Scottish sayings of all time is “Auld Lang Syne”. This was made famous by Robert Burns' song, sang globally at New Year. The translation can be taken as “old long since” or “old long ago” meaning “days gone by” and when sung at New Years really means “let's drink to days gone by”.
“Och aye the noo!”
This is one of those Scottish phrases that can be heard in countless parodies aimed at poking fun at the Scots' dialect and accent. Its direct English translation is “Oh yes, just now”.
Pretty or beautiful. A pretty young women could be described as “a bonnie lass”, an attractive man as “a bonnie lad”.
There are so different ways to say “cheers” in many countries all over the world, however, in Scotland, it's Slàinte Mhath!
They found that 74 per cent of Scots surveyed call their evening meal dinner. Only 19 per cent think it should be called tea while six per cent said it should be called supper. The findings set Scots apart from our neighbours in the north of England where the evening meal is often referred to as tea.
'Scran' is Scottish slang for food… so this is one you'll likely hear on your excursions. Scotland has some downright delicious traditional scran!
Scottish Slang Swear Words
Starting from the fairly inoffensive, you can often hear kids underfoot being referred to as a 'div' or a 'dafty'– both basically meaning a fool! You could ramp this up to the next level by escalating this to a 'numpty' or a 'nugget' if we are talking about a particularly foolish fool!
You can say “aye” (yes) or “nae” (no).
Bonnie – Good
This cheerful Scottish word means 'beautiful' – an indispensable phrase for those exploring the beautiful landscapes of Scotland.
Wee. small. Wee, quite simply, means small. But in ordinary use, it has about a million uses. One often uses it when asking for something.
We also commonly say aye instead of yes, wee instead of small, ken instead of know and uch instead of oh. Aye, it's getting a wee bit harder noo.
'Southrons' – the historical Scots language name for the English, largely displaced since the eighteenth century by "Sassenachs".
“Tatties o'wer the side”.
Translation: “It's all gone horribly wrong – a disaster”
Jings, crivvens and help my boab is a phrase used in Scotland to mean "My goodness", it is a famous saying of Oor Wullie.
barra - a small child. Also, an affectionate term for a younger person (A wee barra.)