What does FR mean in text?

FR means “for real.” For example, if a kid says “I hate this class,” their friend my reply with “fr bro.”

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What does FR mean in social media?

FR, short for "For real", is a slang term that is commonly used to express agreement, confirmation, or sincerity.

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What does fr mean on instagram?

FR stands for “for real.” It's an internet initialism that you can use in direct messages to emphasize your point, agree with someone else's point, or react to something unbelievable. It also has a common derivative acronym, FRFR or “for real, for real,” a more intense and serious version of FR.

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What does FR stand for in TikTok?

Take a look at 8 examples of words or expressions that are often used abbreviated on TikTok: Fr = for real. This phrase can be used to question if someone's statement is genuine or true.

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What abbreviation is fr?

1. Fr. is a written abbreviation for French or , franc. 2. Fr. is a written abbreviation for Father when it is used in titles before the name of a Catholic priest.

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How to understand Texting Abbreviations!!

28 related questions found

What does FR stand for in safety?

These workplace hazards, and others, have the potential to ignite clothing, causing burn injury and potential loss of life. In MCR Safety country, "FR" stands for "flame-resistant," meaning "a retarding force" – and FR is used to describe personal protective equipment that guards workers against fire and flames.

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What does ✨ mean on TikTok?

Example: “Wait why did you do that ???” ✨ … ✨ = Putting the sparkle emoji around one or more words puts emphasis on it, often ironically. Example: “✨ Fantastic ✨”

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What does ? mean on TikTok?

What does this ??? mean on TikTok? On TikTok ? means increase, and ? means decrease.

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What does TT mean in text?

“Too True” is a popular term used on social media, particularly in text messaging, to emphasize the truth of something. You use it in different contexts, but people usually use it when someone has said something believed to be too true.

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What does FTW mean on Instagram?

FTW: For The Win.

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What does the ? ? mean from a girl?

Booty calls refer to a (usually casual) offer to hook up. If you see the ? (eggplant) emoji and you really want to get intimate with this person, send them the emoji phrase that's code for “booty call:” ??.

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What does ?? mean from a girl?

?? — Shy, nervous – usually in the context of flirting.

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What does ? ? mean from a girl slang?

Used to represent relief, exhaustion, or as a sigh of disappointment or displeasure.

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What does ?? mean TikTok?

The majority of people agree that it means 'shy'. As if you were twiddling your fingers together, nervously. The emojis can often be paired with the emoji too, for extra nervous vibes. The emoji sequence can be used if you're about to ask someone a soft, yet risky question, or if you're just feeling hella shy.

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What does ? mean on TikTok?

The ? emoji is usually a stand in for weed on TikTok.

If you see the ? emoji popping up on TikTok, especially if it's paired with the ? emoji (used as a symbol for smoke), there's a good chance it has something to do with weed.

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What does ☕ mean from a guy?

What Does ☕ Mean From A Guy. From a guy, the hot beverage emoji ☕ can mean many things. Depending on the context and how it's used, it could be a sign of friendship and appreciation, or a suggestion to grab coffee or tea together.

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What does FR mean on a building?

FR - Fire-Resistant.

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What does FR mean in training?

FR = Fartlek Run: I think fartlek is a stupid word. I don't like it. But it's a common running term that literally translates to “speed play” in Swedish. It's a training method that includes periods of fast running in between periods of slower running.

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What does FR stand for in Catholic Church?

written abbreviation for Father when used as a title of a Christian priest, especially a Roman Catholic or Orthodox priest: Fr. McDonald conducted the mass.

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What does GTS mean in text?

GTS Definition and Meaning

GTS is a slang term that people use to tell someone they're about to go to sleep. You'll often see this initialism used when someone is ending a text or social media conversation.

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What does MB mean in text?

MB typically means “My Bad” when sent over chat.

Maybe your friend mixed up the dates for an upcoming event, or assumed something that they shouldn't have. For minor mix-ups and confusion, MB is an easy way to apologize without making a big deal out of the situation.

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What does TBH mean in text?

Though 'tbh' ("to be honest") is well established in informal communication, it appears less frequently in published, edited text. That's why it isn't in the dictionary.

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What does ? ? mean from a boy?

?? — Shy, nervous (usually in the context of flirting) — Represents warding off the "evil eye" ? — Oral sex. ? — Ejaculation. ? — May indicate sexual activity, especially oral sex.

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What does the ❤ ? mean?

❤️‍? Heart on Fire emoji

It can be used to represent passionate love (“burning love”) or intense liking of something.

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