Pronunciation: ZAYchik/ZAya/ZAYka/zayCHOnuk. Translation: little rabbit/female rabbit/little female rabbit. Meaning: bunny. Another popular term of endearment, зайка and any other diminutives of заяц (ZAyats)—bunny rabbit—are used when speaking to loved ones, very close friends, and children.
As is common in other languages, Russians have a number of special nicknames they use to address their loved ones. Some of the most common pet names include: (Моя) Любимая / (Мой) Любимый — My love (for a woman/for a man) Дорогая / Дорогой — My dear (for a woman/for a man)
Russian Slang Terms For People
While you've probably already learned the more neutral terms like человек (human), девушка (girl), мужчина (man), and женщина (woman), Russian has so much more to offer when talking about other people. As you might expect, some of these terms can be quite complimentary.
Translation of "sweetie" into Russian
пупсик м.
A young child can be called малыш [mah-LYSH] — a little one; зайчик [ZY-chik] — a little wild rabbit; even рыбка [RYB-kah] — a little fish. Generally, the Russian language is rich with suffixes that modify the meaning of the original word.
Папочка Папочка is an affectionate form of address and means daddy or dear daddy. It is suitable for informal settings.
In short, when meeting a Russian for the first time, male or female, good etiquette is shaking hands firmly while retaining eye contact. Looking away is rude and shows indifference. Men should wait for a woman to offer her hand first. (Tip: Do not shake hands over a threshold; enter the room first, then shake hands.)
The standard word for 'beautiful' in Russian is красивый, but it is not the only one. Find out a few ways to say beautiful in Russian with this free lesson. The Russian word красивый can be used to describe both men and women: красивая женщина beautiful woman.
4- Brother
Now, братан (bratan) is actively used by young people to seem “cooler,” especially between guys. Try to address your Russian friend by saying Привет, братан (Privet, bratan) which means “Hi, bro.” ;-) By the way, young Russian guys often use бро (bro) or “bro” the same as it's used in English..
The most popular way to say "friend" in Russian is друг (DROOK) for a male friend and подруга (padROOga) for a female friend.
Russian men sometimes hug and kiss other men on both cheeks, but they reserve these greetings for close friends. (Interestingly, greetings are the only time Russians typically exhibit physical contact in public. For example, it is uncommon for Russian couples to kiss in public.) Russian men shake hands with other men.
Hugging and kissing is very normal for friends, so don't be afraid to show some love. Traditionally, Russians would kiss three times on the cheek when meeting. Now, one kiss is more common, but a hug will also be expected.
Russians are a very demonstrative people, and public physical contact is common. Hugs, backslapping, kisses on the cheeks and other expansive gestures are common among friends or acquaintances and between members of the same sex.
Women generally kiss people three times on alternating cheeks starting on the left. Male friends may hug one another or give each other a pat on the back. An old superstition advises that you should never greet someone by shaking hands or kissing them whilst on the threshold of the doorstep.
Russian. Most likely one of the longest Russian words is a chemical term, тетрагидропиранилциклопентилтетрагидропиридопиридиновая (tetragidropiranilciklopentiltetragidropiridopiridinovaya), which contains 55 letters. It was used in Russian patent RU2285004C2 (granted and published in 2006).
Be sure to make your woman compliments regularly, and she'll feel that she's important to you. A Russian lady would like to go to a restaurant or café, especially if food and drinks are on you. But if she wants to pay for what she ordered, don't let her do it. Pay yourself, and you'll see how much she'll appreciate it.
Я люблю тебя. Ya lyublyu tebya. “I love you.”