Consumption of Zinc helps to have less wake-ups in the night. It is an excellent & safe sleep aid; and also has a calming & antidepressant effect. Along with helping to regulate sleep, Zinc has shown to improve the vividness of dreams.
However, some vitamins and minerals can provide some additional advantages based on timing strategies. In this case, zinc may be more beneficial to take in the evening times before bed due to the benefits it has on sleep quality.
A double-blind randomised controlled trial concentrating on ICU nurses, for instance, found that the nurses reported improved sleep quality after taking 220-milligram zinc sulphate capsules – about 50mg of zinc – every 72 hours for a month.
The impact of zinc on sleep
Like magnesium, zinc contributes to the transformation of tryptophan into serotonin and then into melatonin, the sleep hormone. This hormone is mainly synthesised at night, which makes it the centre of regulation of chronobiological rhythms.
Zinc is involved in processes in the brain that control sleep. Some preliminary research suggests that supplementing with zinc-containing formulas may help improve sleep, but, as explained in the What It Does — For sleep section of the Zinc Supplements Review, taking zinc alone has not been proven to help with sleep.
Zinc supplementation significantly reduced fatigue (mean difference: −10.41 vs 1.37, P < . 001) and increased serum zinc level (mean difference: 14.22, vs −0.57, P < . 001) compared to the control group.
Consumption of Zinc helps to have less wake-ups in the night. It is an excellent & safe sleep aid; and also has a calming & antidepressant effect. Along with helping to regulate sleep, Zinc has shown to improve the vividness of dreams.
Compared with the placebo group, individuals treated for three months with daily zinc supplements demonstrated an improved sleep onset latency and sleep efficiency compared to control subjects (Figure 1A). Dietary zinc improves sleep quality in humans and increases NREM sleep in mice.
Zinc helps to regulate the menstrual cycle by nourishing healthy ovarian follicles and therefore promoting ovulation. Premenstrual mood symptoms. According to a 2022 randomized clinical trial, zinc supplementation can improve PMS.
Do not take zinc supplements and copper, iron, or phosphorus supplements at the same time. It is best to space doses of these products 2 hours apart, to get the full benefit from each dietary supplement.
Zinc, a nutrient found throughout your body, helps your immune system and metabolism function. Zinc is also important to wound healing and your sense of taste and smell. With a varied diet, your body usually gets enough zinc. Food sources of zinc include chicken, red meat and fortified breakfast cereals.
Magnesium assists your body in regulating zinc levels, but high intakes of zinc can be detrimental to magnesium absorption – only abnormally high doses (around 142 mg of zinc per day) will reduce magnesium absorption.
Zinc has anti-inflammatory properties that may help people with acne, rosacea, psoriasis, eczema and wound repair. “Among zinc's plethora of roles, this mineral also aids in wound repair and tissue repair,” Harrison said. “People with skin ulcers and low levels of zinc might benefit from zinc supplements.”
This study indicates that Zn supplementation with a restricted calorie diet has favorable effects in reducing anthropometric measurements, inflammatory markers, insulin resistance and appetite in individuals with obesity, and may play an effective role in the treatment of obesity.
It is possibly safe when taken in larger doses, especially when used only for a short period of time. But taking doses higher than 40 mg daily might decrease how much copper the body absorbs. Taking very high doses of zinc is likely unsafe and might cause stomach pain, vomiting, and many other problems.
If your body absorbs more than 40 mg of zinc each day, you might get side effects like nausea. However, you may get additional negative symptoms like abdominal cramps, vomiting, diarrhea, or even a headache. Simply put, absorbing too much zinc isn't great for your body; in fact, it's the opposite!
This particular study concluded that in males, zinc has a positive effect on arousal and maintaining an erection. A 2013 study shows that sense of smell may actually be important to libido, especially in younger men. That means that zinc deficiency, which can reduce sense of smell, may also reduce libido.
Both magnesium and zinc may improve your sleep quality. Studies show that magnesium helps stimulate your body's parasympathetic nervous system, which helps you feel calm and relaxed ( 19 ). Plus, human and animal studies associate zinc supplements and higher blood zinc levels with improved sleep quality ( 20 , 21 ).
This usually occurs when a person takes an excess of zinc supplements to boost their immune system. Too much zinc intake can cause symptoms that range from nausea and vomiting to impaired immune system functioning. For this reason, adults older than age 19 should not take more than 40 milligrams (mg) of zinc a day.
Not only has zinc deficiency been shown to induce depression-like and anxiety-like behaviors, supplementation has been used as a treatment for major depression. Zinc administration improves the efficacy of antidepressant drugs in depressed patients and may have a particular role to play in treatment-resistant patients.
There is a lot of evidence linking zinc to blood clotting. Zinc is released from cells called platelets that control blood clotting, and scientists have found unwanted blood clots can form when zinc levels in the blood are faulty.
Are you having problems with thinning hair or hair loss? If so, it could be because you have too much zinc in your diet. There have been many studies that show how too much zinc can lead to hair loss and other issues.
If you're not getting enough zinc in your diet, you may have side effects such as hair loss, lack of alertness, and a reduced sense of taste and smell. Zinc deficiency is rare in the United States, but it still occurs in some people.