The best dog breed for the INFJ personality type is the Beagle. Beagles are small dogs that get along with kids and adults alike. They're determined, and idealists just like you and also tend to be gentle and good-tempered.
INFJ – The Humpback Whale
Peace-loving and known for their complex songs, these animals capture the compassionate, insightful nature of the INFJ.
The rarest personality type is the INFJ personality type, known as 'The Counselor'. INFJ is the rarest personality type across the population, occurring in just 2% of the population. It is also the rarest personality type among men. INFJ stands for Introversion, Intuition, Feeling, and Judging.
They make up only 1.5% of the population. While INFJs are the rarest type in terms of the overall population, there are other types that are considered “rarer” for different genders. For females, INTJ and ENTJ are the joint-rarest types at 0.90% of the female population.
Some introverted types are more apt to be mistaken for extraverts than others. In our experience, the INFJ is the type most commonly misperceived as extraverted, although this can occur with the INTJ as well. There are a number of personality factors commonly associated with extraversion.
As sensitive, intuitive people, INFJs have a sixth sense about others. Our finely tuned empathy means we can feel others' feelings and we know when they're not telling the truth. We have this ability to see through people's outward persona to the real person underneath.
Type Two: The INFJ Giver
They tend to develop their talents in ways that will serve others as much or more than themselves. Type Two INFJs tend to be more gregarious, outgoing, and friendly than most other INFJs.
Summing It Up: It's clear that INFJs have the potential to be incredibly intelligent and creative people. Their unique learning style allows them to explore ideas in a quiet, reflective environment without feeling overwhelmed or competitive with others.
INFJ – Qilin
The Qilin, or Chinese unicorn, was believed to foretell the future. This friendly and perceptive creature had insight and intuition about how things would unfold, and even was believed to have foretold the death of Confucius.
The INFJ personality type fits perfectly with personality traits associated with the Cancer zodiac sign. The symbol of Cancer is a crab, and like a crab, INFJs are deeply sensitive and intuitive individuals who prefer to stay inside their shells until they feel emotionally safe.
There's really no dog that wouldn't bask in the sweet embrace of the genuinely good INFJ, but if we have to choose, we'll give it to the beagle. This absolute dreamboat of a dog is gentle, but excitable, and its zen, even-keeled nature will mesh well with the INFJ's.
Shrek is an ISTP personality type. He is practical and is drawn to understanding how things work. Freedom is important to people of this personality type and he shies away from situations where he feels tied down.
INFJ- The Wolf
Like the wolf they are remarkable in their presence, and have a way of reading situations to tell what the outcome will be before it actually happens. Wolves are pack animals and are generally monogamous creatures, finding one mate to spend their lives with.
One-Upping: INFJs are quick to spot patterns, especially in people who have self-seeking motives. Those who are constantly bragging, outdoing, or attempting to have the “upper-hand” in a conversation grate on their nerves. Interruptions: Focus is something that INFJs crave in every aspect of their lives.
Love And The INFJ Personality Type
They can often come across as intimidating or aloof, and it may sometimes feel difficult to relate to an INFJ. Many people will never see the loving side of INFJs because many INFJs reserve true displays of intimacy and affection for close friends and long-term, loving relationships.
Basic Fear: Of being worthless, unloved, or unwanted. Basic Desire: To know they are loved. These INFJs tend to appear more jovial and extroverted than some other INFJs. They are very people-oriented and lean heavily on their secondary function: Extraverted Feeling (Fe).
However, they're not straightforwardly strong. The truth is that people with INFJ personalities are very strong-willed and determined, but often they use this strength to help people around them instead of investing in self-development. As a result, people often think that they're wasting their talent.
So, high standards aren't the only reason INFJs might still be single. This next one has to do with their introverted nature. Frankly, a lot of us INFJs wait for other people to make the first move.
In America, the preferred personality type is the ESTJ – the polar opposite of the INFJ. With the INFJ personality type being so rare and the culture at large favoring your opposite, it can be easy to feel left out, broken, misunderstood, and unappreciated.
They don't want a lot of friends.
INFJs are introverts, and while they cherish meaningful friendships, they have little tolerance for people who don't align with their values. Most INFJs don't want a large circle of friends, and that's okay!
At their best, INFJs make modest, reliable teammates, and allow others to take the lead. INFJs may undervalue their own needs, ideas, and contributions, acting overly shy and not taking credit when due. At their worst, INFJs can be excessively submissive, ineffectual, and too dependent on direction from others.
In the world of personality theory, the INTP and INFJ pairing has been nicknamed “The Golden Pair” because these two types can be highly compatible.
As far as being psychic, the INFJ can't read minds or literally see into someone's future. They rely on their advanced intuition to scan through loads of sensory information and grasp patterns and connections that give them clues about what may happen in the future.