Blonde hair and blue eyes is a classic combo, though a cooler blonde like champagne will really give your eyes that extra bit of sparkle no other shade will.
Pastel Colors
The most highly recommended clothing colors that look best on blondes are pastel colors. In fact, women with golden strands are gifted with the ability to pull off most pastel shades. As such, you will look fabulous wearing clothes in shades of pale pink, light yellow, soft green, and baby blue.
Green: Bright Blonde
Green eyes are the rarest eye color around.
The right hair color, however, can make your already striking eye color appear even more so. Typically, rich brunette hues, warm blonde, and coppery reds provide the perfect amount of contrast to make blue eyes pop.
We found that green is the most popular lens colour, with brown coming in a close second, despite it being one of the most common eye colours. Although blue and hazel are seen as the most attractive eye colours for men and women they are surprisingly the least popular.
Of the participants who were surveyed, the majority of both men and women found blue to be the most attractive eye color. In regard to eye colors other than blue, the study found that men preferred women who had green eyes over those with brown eyes.
There's a little genetic tweak that makes the combination of red hair and blue eyes the rarest of them all. The same Nature study mentioned above found that another gene variant, HERC2, interacts with both the MC1R gene and the OCA2 gene—and it can shut off the redhead gene while expressing blue eyes and blonde hair.
It depends on your skin undertone and eye color shade. For warmer shades like light brown eyes, warmer colors like auburn or golden blonde hair look great. For cooler shades like darker brown eyes, cooler tones like ash blonde or burgundy look amazing.
Of those four, green is the rarest. It shows up in about 9% of Americans but only 2% of the world's population. Hazel/amber is the next rarest of these. Blue is the second most common and brown tops the list with 45% of the U.S. population and possibly almost 80% worldwide.
Blonde fact #4: Not all blondes have blue eyes
That's why so many people around the world have black strands and brown eyes. Lighter tint gives rise to lighter coloured eyes, including blue, but also varying tones of green and grey. So, just because you have blonde hair, it doesn't mean that you have blue eyes too.
What eye color do natural blondes have? Having blonde hair doesn't necessarily mean having blue eyes. It's a stereotype. Although red hair, light eyes, and light skin do tend to go together, blondies can have eyes that are blue, green, brown, and more.
Colors to stay away from
In fact, pale blondes should avoid warm colors all together. By the same token, warm blondes should avoid cool colors such as pale shades of blue, pink, and yellow, as well as reds that have a blue undertone.
A warm blonde shade, like golden or honey, suits warm-toned skin, while cooler tones like ash or dirty blonde go better with cool-toned skin. Give in to the urge to go blonde this season, and keep reading to know how to pick the best color to suit you! Always begin with the ingredients.
As the population grows and people have babies, the genes for less melanin will become more common. That makes the link between lighter eyes, hair, and skin tighter. So that's why you see people with blond hair typically have blue eyes!
But some children with light hair, including towhead blonds, strawberry blonds, dishwater blonds and redheads, see their hair go dark brown by their 10th birthday. The reason for this change is because the amount of eumelanin in your hair increases as you mature, according to some research.
Being naturally blonde is pretty rare.
Only 2 percent of people in the world are natural blondes. (About one in 20 Americans are.) But that doesn't mean it's not popular. One in three women dyes her locks light enough to be considered blonde.
Complimentary Color Scheme This is using high contrast of color by selecting colors directly opposite from one another on the color wheel (such as pink and lime green). This puts a warm color with a cool color and is pleasing to the eye.
Genetics and Eye Color
You inherit one from the mother and one from the father. If the two alleles of a specific gene are different (heterozygous), the trait that is dominant is expressed (shown). The trait that is hidden is called recessive. Brown eye color is a dominant trait and blue eye color is a recessive trait.
Yes, natural purple eyes are possible. There are many different shades of blues and greys out there and many in-between colors. Although very rare, some people's natural pigmentation can even be violet or purple in color.
Did Elizabeth Taylor have violet eyes? These days, thanks to colored contact lenses, anyone can have violet-colored eyes . Taylor didn't come by her purple peepers that way; the first tinted contact lenses weren't commercially available until 1983. Taylor's eye color was the real deal.
Likewise, two brown-eyed parents can have a child with blue eyes, although this is also uncommon.
When broken down by gender, men ranked gray, blue, and green eyes as the most attractive, while women said they were most attracted to green, hazel, and gray eyes. Despite brown eyes ranking at the bottom of our perceived attraction scale, approximately 79% of the world's population sports melanin-rich brown eyes.