Eating a varied diet can provide the body with the nutrients it needs for progesterone metabolism. This includes foods such as cruciferous vegetables, nuts, and whole grains. Keeping a healthy weight, staying on a consistent sleep schedule, and managing stress can help to keep hormones balanced as well.
Luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone, which are produced by the pituitary gland, promote ovulation and stimulate the ovaries to produce estrogen and progesterone.
Vitamin D controls the production and activity of estrogen and progesterone to keep these hormones balanced . This vitamin also helps in regulating insulin and blood sugar level .
Bananas are a great source of vitamin b6, which works to decrease estrogen and increase progesterone levels, helping your body find an optimal balance.
Magnesium plays a very important role in hormone regulation and is therefore one of the nutrients that boost progesterone levels.
The highest test value was obtained in week 3, (3.64±0.08 mlU/ml) as compared to control value (3.15±0.01 mlU/ml). However, there was also a reduction in testosterone level. Conclusion: In conclusion, ACV reduces the levels of estrogen and testosterone but increased progesterone level of Wistar rats.
Vitamin C is absorbed in large amounts just before ovulation and stimulates the production of progesterone. Include plenty of citrus fruits, kiwi, tomatoes, broccoli, cabbage, bell peppers and other Vitamin C rich foods, which also aids in the absorption of iron from plant sources.
In addition to healthy fats, avocados contain plant sterols which can help block estrogen absorption and promote progesterone production.
A Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center study involving postmenopausal, overweight, and obese women who took 2,000 IUs of vitamin D daily for a year found that those whose vitamin D blood levels increased the most had the greatest reductions in blood estrogens, which are a known risk factor for breast cancer.
In Turmeric Extract treatment group progesterone, oestrogen, and FSH levels increased significantly (p = 0.004), (p = 0.001) and (p = 0.0002) respectively.
Hormone creation – magnesium actually makes your hormones progesterone, estrogen and testosterone, so if you're getting into peri-menopause or just off the Pill and your levels are low, it's a great help to your body.
Blueberries are full of fertility-boosting nutrients like vitamin C, which is known to support progesterone production during the Luteal phase of the menstrual cycle.
The intestine is a potential source of reabsorbed estrogen, and a daily raw carrot (grated or shredded, with a little olive oil, vinegar, salt) helps to lower excess estrogen (and endotoxin produced by bacteria). While lowering estrogen, it is likely to lower cortisol and increase progesterone.
Honey caused significant increase in the plasma levels of progesterone and prolactin at the end of treatment and after treatment rest as compared with control group.
Magnesium promotes healthy estrogen clearance
By supporting the COMT enzyme (catechol-o-methyltransferase) in the liver, magnesium promotes the healthy excretion of estrogen (9). This may reduce the risk of the estrogen excess conditions (such as fibroids) associated with low COMT function (10).
Magnesium is Essential to Balancing Hormones
Magnesium is one of the most essential minerals to help balance hormones. While you can take a supplement, and even spray your skin with magnesium spray, there's no better way of getting the magnesium you need than from the foods you eat.