The top three foods to avoid are chocolate, sugary sodas, and fried foods. Additionally, you will also want to avoid any foods or beverages that contain caffeine, since this can stimulate your nerves and make your symptoms more severe. These include coffee, tea, energy drinks, and chocolate.
Diet for Restless Leg Syndrome
Incorporate a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables into your diet with an emphasis on dark leafy greens. Eat a variety of iron-rich foods like lean meat. Include seeds, tree nuts, and legumes in your diet. Avoid processed foods, sugar, and fried foods that may make you gain weight.
Studies suggest that vitamins C, D, and E may help people experiencing restless legs syndrome (RLS). People with RLS experience unpleasant sensations in the legs with the irresistible urge to move them.
have iron deficiency anaemia – low levels of iron in the blood can lead to a fall in dopamine, triggering restless legs syndrome.
Magnesium supplementation is often suggested for restless legs syndrome (RLS) or period limb movement disorder (PLMD) based on anecdotal evidence that it relieves symptoms and because it is also commonly recommended for leg cramps.
The cause of RLS is still unknown. Some cases are believed to be inherited. Some cases have been linked with nerve damage in the legs from diabetes, kidney problems, iron deficiency, certain medicines, pregnancy, sleep disorders, and alcoholism.
If nerve cells become damaged, the amount of dopamine in the brain is reduced, which causes muscle spasms and involuntary movements. Dopamine levels naturally fall towards the end of the day, which may explain why the symptoms of restless legs syndrome are often worse in the evening and during the night.
Since the symptoms of the syndrome appear or worsen in resting and immobility times, these symptoms may improve by moving. Therefore, moderate exercise can be helpful (2). Exercises like walking, massaging, stretching, swimming, and stationary cycle can help relieve symptoms (12).
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has cleared the NTX100 Tonic Motor Activation (TOMAC) System for the treatment of medication-refractory moderate to severe restless legs syndrome (RLS) to improve sleep quality.
Did you know that research shows that ripened bananas are found to contain magnesium, potassium, and a natural form of dopamine? These substances work together and may be a significant help in relieving your restless leg syndrome (RLS) symptoms.
If you have RLS, you should also see a doctor if you are: Losing sleep often. Feeling depressed or anxious. Having trouble concentrating.
Although there's no cure for restless legs syndrome, medications and lifestyle changes can help minimize symptoms and increase restful sleep. Cutting back on caffeine, alcohol and tobacco may help. Taking a hot bath, massaging the legs or using a heating pad or ice pack can also relieve symptoms.
They're known to worsen RLS symptoms, Avidan says. He also tells his patients not to eat aged cheese, because it contains high amounts of tyramine, a substance that some research indicates can trigger symptoms.
Restless legs syndrome is not life threatening, but severe cases can disrupt sleep (causing insomnia) and trigger anxiety and depression. The charity Restless Leg Syndrome UK (RLS-UK) provides information and support for people affected by restless legs syndrome.
Stretches for RLS
Slightly bend your right knee and step your left leg back a foot or two, positioning its heel and foot flat on the floor. Hold for 20 to 30 seconds. Now bend your left knee while still keeping its heel and foot flat on the floor. For a deeper stretch, move your foot back a bit farther.
This indicates that magnesium oxide is more beneficial than B6 for treating RLS/WED (Table 2).
Rachel Salas, MD, an assistant professor of neurology at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore, says that stress and anxiety are big restless legs triggers. Stress reduction techniques like deep breathing or yoga may help.
Magnesium deficiency is diagnosed via a blood test and sometimes a urine test. Your doctor may order the blood test if you have symptoms such as weakness, irritability, abnormal heart rhythm, nausea and/or diarrhoea, or if you have abnormal calcium or potassium levels.
Umeda recommends taking the supplement about 30 minutes before bedtime. And don't take more than the recommended amount. More won't help you sleep better, but it may cause stomach upset. While magnesium might improve your slumber, it's no substitute for a good sleep routine, Dr.
Some research has found that eating kiwi can improve sleep. View Source . In a study, people who ate two kiwis one hour before bedtime found that they fell asleep faster, slept more, and had better sleep quality.