Those with type O blood should choose high-protein foods and eat lots of meat, vegetables, fish, and fruit but limit grains, beans, and legumes. To lose weight, seafood, kelp, red meat, broccoli, spinach, and olive oil are best; wheat, corn, and dairy are to be avoided.
People with O blood type should follow a high protein diet, full of lean meats, fish, eggs, kale, lettuce, broccoli, onions, pumpkins, turnip, red peppers, okra, garlic, ginger, cherries, figs, plums, prunes, raspberries, cranberries and gooseberries.
What can blood type O people eat for breakfast? O-types are advised to have stewed prunes, or fresh or dried figs. Oats with soya milk and green tea are also recommended as alternatives to wheat, dairy milk, and black tea: all of which you should be avoiding.
When it comes to drinks, caffeine and alcohol aren't recommended for type O people. Fizzy drinks, tea, coffee and all types of wine, beer and spirits are restricted on this particular blood type diet. According to D'Adamo, people with blood type O should avoid caffeine because it increases their adrenaline levels.
BENEFICIAL or MEDICINE beverages for your type are mainly green tea (organic), club soda, seltzer water.
Of the eight main blood types, people with Type O have the lowest risk for heart attacks and blood clots in the legs and lungs. This may be because people with other blood types have higher levels of certain clotting factors, which are proteins that cause blood to coagulate (solidify).
Type O's should severely restrict their intake of dairy products. Your system is not designed to metabolise them correctly and there are no beneficial foods in this group. Many people of African and Asian descent are lactose intolerant, and should eliminate milk altogether.
Glutens in wheat germ interfere with type O metabolic processes. Inefficient metabolism causes food to convert more slowly to energy and store itself as fat. Breads, muffins, and even wheat-free breads are not good for type O's, since most contain some wheat.
Type O positive blood is critical in trauma care. Those with O positive blood can only receive transfusions from O positive or O negative blood types. Type O positive blood is one of the first to run out during a shortage due to its high demand.
Blood Type O Personality
People with blood type O are considered to be outgoing, go-getters, and daring. Blood type personality theory states that they usually set high standards for themselves, and they do all they can to achieve them. Blood type Os have excellent leadership capabilities.
– Very generous and kindhearted. – Generally well-liked by most people. – Very flexible, and adapt easily to change. – They are easily influenced by others, as well as perceived authorities, such as television personalities.
People with O blood type are daring, outgoing and go-getters. They have a habit of setting high standard for themselves and do all they can to achieve them. These people have excellent leadership qualities and little things do not bother them, which makes them appear as selfish to other people, especially to A type.
Blood type O: Parsley
Parsley is a great way of soothing the digestive tracts of type Os. This is in stark contrast to seasonings and spices such as vinegar, cinnamon and corn starch, which are all irritants to the type O stomach.
POISON. AVOID alfalfa seeds/sprouts, aloe/aloe juice, caper, cauliflower, cucumber/cucumber juice, leek, domestic/shiitake mushrooms, mustard greens, black olives, pickle in brine and vinegar, red/white potatoes, rhubarb, taro, Tahitian poi, dasheen, yucca.
People with type O blood are more prone to stomach problems because of the high acidic content in the stomach. So while they can digest protein well, they have to be cautious about consuming too many fats or carbohydrates.
Those with type O blood should choose high-protein foods and eat lots of meat, vegetables, fish, and fruit but limit grains, beans, and legumes. To lose weight, seafood, kelp, red meat, broccoli, spinach, and olive oil are best; wheat, corn, and dairy are to be avoided.
Blood Group: O
Avoid: Spinach, cabbage, corn, cauliflower, eggplant, mushrooms, oranges, kiwi, strawberry, blackberry, coconut, green peas, peanut butter and wheat starch.
Seafood, the second most concentrated animal protein, is best suited for type O's. Fish is packed with protein, vitamins, and nutrients that can lower blood pressure and help reduce the risk of a heart attack or stroke. Many seafood are excellent sources of iodine, which regulates thyroid function.
Suggestions from doctors who initiated the blood group diet, blood type O needs to avoid snacks that contain refined sugar, fruit extracts, melons and kiwis.
Other Allowed Fruits
Some examples appropriate for blood type O individuals include cherries, apples, all varieties of grapes, watermelon, pears, bananas, blueberries, lemons, grapefruit, papayas and raspberries.
Peptic ulcer also has a connection with the ABO blood group, and it was the first to be identified. Blood type O individuals showed that they had higher susceptibility to peptic ulcers [1, 9]. Gastritis and ulceration of the stomach/duodenum were later correlated with infection with the bacterium Helicobacter pylori.
The authors found that individuals with type O blood were less likely to contract SARS-CoV-2 compared with non–type O blood groups (ARR = 0.88; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.84–0.92). Rhesus (Rh)-negative individuals were also less likely to be diagnosed with SARS-CoV-2 (ARR = 0.79; 95% CI, 0.73–0.85).
Recent work has demonstrated an association between ABO blood types and COVID-19 risk. Using data from Wuhan and Shenzhen, Zhao et al. found a greater proportion of A and a lower proportion of O blood types among COVID-19 patients, relative to the general populations of Wuhan and Shenzhen [4].