Normally, you should avoid solid food for just 24 hours after your oral surgery, after which it may be okay to eat it again. It's very important to talk to your dentist about specific eating instructions, as it depends on the type of treatment that you have received as well as your own individual healing time.
Bananas. Many oral surgery specialists recommend eating bananas after the surgery. The soft texture is easy to chew and doesn't irritate your gums. Bananas are loaded with minerals and vitamins, including folate, manganese, vitamin B6, and potassium, which are good for your oral health.
Yogurt. Yogurt is a great snack to eat after your wisdom teeth are removed. For one thing, it's completely soft, so you won't have to chew at all. For another, it's a good source of protein and other nutrients that you'll need to help recover after surgery.
Eggs are an excellent food to eat after oral surgery. They have a high amount of quality protein that is rich in vitamins and minerals. While eggs cooked in numerous ways are generally soft, scrambled eggs are ideal because they are easier to chew and swallow.
Dental Don'ts after Oral Surgery
Don't do any heavy lifting or move your head forcefully for a few days following treatment. Do not rinse your mouth for 24 hours after treatment. Don't brush the surgical site for the first few days after treatment, but you can gently wipe it with soft gauze to keep it clean.
Bread is typically tough to chew after wisdom tooth removal and you are generally recommended to avoid any foods that could get stuck to your surgery site. Crackers and breads are notorious for getting stuck on teeth and stuck in the mouth and that can only cause trouble post oral surgery.
Dairy contains proteins that can encourage the growth of bacteria and increase the risk of infection. This is because dairy provides an ideal environment for bacteria to thrive, which can lead to swelling and discomfort in the gums and surrounding area.
3 Days To 1 Week After Surgery
You can eat things like pasta and rice. You can also start brushing the extraction sites very gently after a week. Brush your other teeth normally, then gently brush the site to remove any food or other debris.
For 2 days after surgery, drink liquids and eat soft foods only. Such as milkshakes, eggnog, yo- gurt, cooked cereals, cottage cheese, smooth soups, mashed potatoes, refried beans, ice cream, pudding, fruit smoothies and protein shakes.
Some procedures, like tooth extractions, are relatively simple and can heal in just a few days. Others, like bone grafts, are more complex and may take several weeks or months to heal completely. Generally, you can expect most oral surgery procedures to take anywhere from a few days to several weeks to heal fully.
Avoid meat that is hard to chew such as beef, pork, and chicken for at least a few days. Instead, eat a flaky fish or tofu. A patient can also make a vegetable soup using his or her favorite veggies and spices. Some soups like potato and carrot, are delicious when one blends them, which is even easier to eat.
Rest. Take it easy for at least 24 hours after oral surgery, preferably closer to 72 hours. Any pain, swelling, bleeding, or soreness you experience will improve if you let your body focus on healing. You may also be drowsy after surgery.
All surgery patients should get adequate rest and avoid exercise or strenuous activities for 5-7 days after surgery. No bending over or lifting heavy objects.
After about 3 days, the empty tooth socket will have mostly healed. There should be no more bleeding present, and swelling should be minimal at this point. You may still experience some tenderness or soreness, but you should no longer feel pain or discomfort.
Beginning a Few Days After Surgery
Make sure to keep things easy at first, and slowly ease back into your routine. We often recommend nothing more strenuous than a leisurely walk for at least 4 or 5 days. After that, you can slowly begin to increase the intensity of your exercise sessions.
To be on the safe side, don't brush or rinse the mouth in the first 24 hours after the tooth extraction procedure. Thereafter, brush with care and don't allow the toothbrush to get close to the extraction site. Also, don't swish water, mouthwash or any oral care fluid in your mouth.
Dairy. Many dairy foods are easy to consume after your oral surgery. These include custard, yogurt, plain ice cream, cottage cheese, ricotta cheese, milkshakes, mild cheese, cream cheese, and milk.
One of the healthiest meals you can eat, usually for breakfast, porridge is a great option. It's easy to make, soft enough to eat, flavourful if you add some jam, sugar or syrup and it's very nutritious. Just make sure you cook it until it's really soft for the easiest consumption.
It's important to remember that good nutrition is one of the keys to helping promote fast healing. Make sure that you eat soft foods such as scrambled eggs, soft weetbix, yoghurt, baby food or a smoothie.