In conclusion, al-Matʿani holds that this legal question is answered by a clear Qurʾanic rule: The wife's conversion to Islam brings about an immediate dissolution of her marriage contract; the Qurʾan leaves no option for such a female convert to wait for her husband's conversion.
Ali said the Koran is clear that Muslim men are allowed to marry non-Muslim women as long as their brides are “People of the Book” — Christians or Jews, both of whom recognize Abraham as their spiritual forefather, as Muslims do. A Muslim woman, however, cannot marry a non-Muslim man unless he converts.
“A party to a civil marriage who converts to Islam and contracts another marriage, despite the first marriage's subsistence, is guilty of bigamy.
Prohibitions based on marriage
The daughter-in-law is prohibited for the father, and the mother-in-law, the wife's daughter, the wife's sister and daughters of the wife's siblings (nieces), the maternal and paternal aunts of the wife are all prohibited for the husband.
In al-Mawsu'ah al-Fiqhiyyah (29/63) it says: “If the husband is absent from his wife for any length of time with no excuse, she has the right to ask for a separation from him, but if it is for an excuse then she does not have the right to do that.
Divorce Essentials for Practicing Muslims
Once that four-month period has elapsed, the husband and wife are to reunite to continue their marriage or obtain a divorce.
Man has to care for her and her desires. Man is not the owner of his wife and in fact a woman has certain rights upon her husband.
According to the above discussion, in our opinion, touching private parts with the right hand is makruh tanzih and not prohibited. It is included in matters of manners and the restriction in the hadith is a form of guidance and education.
Exposing the intimate parts of the body is unlawful in Islam as the Quran instructs the covering of male and female genitals, and for adult females the breasts. Exposing them is normally considered sinful. Exposing intimate parts when needed, such as going to the toilet or bathing, falls under a specific set of rules.
The only requirement in marriage and conversion is that the children from that marriage be raised as "believers," a common Islamic term for Muslims. The Qur'anic verses generally quoted are: "And do not marry polytheistic women until they believe.
Conversion to Islam is the process whereby a non-Muslim takes on a new religious identity, adopts new beliefs and practices, learns to live as a Muslim and gradually becomes accepted as one by others.
You do NOT have to convert to Islam. Islam allows a man to marry a woman from any of the five "true faiths". However, you will have to raise your children, if you have any, as Muslims.
Converting to Islam is basically the acknowledgment that the prophet Muhammad is the messenger of Allah and Allah is the one God. But Flower says his research is showing that it takes converts from six to 12 months between discovering Islam and that final step. “So it's not spontaneous, not a rash thing” he said.
You cannot marry your mother, grandmother, daughter, granddaughter, sister, niece, great-niece, aunts, or great-aunts. You also cannot marry someone who is also related to you through such relatives. For example, you cannot marry your great granddaughter.
Unless you reveal it, no one can ever conclude whether you are a virgin or not. I can understand your worry regarding your virginity or hymen, but stop making a big issue over a small tissue!
Remember, you must always treat your wives with kindness. Woman is weak and cannot protect her own rights. When you got married, God appointed you the trustees of those rights. You brought your wives to your homes under the Law of God.
Make your wife smile coz a married women in Islam is called “Rabbaitul bait” means Queen Of The Home.
Loving someone is not a sin. In fact, Islam has no rules regarding touching private parts with the mouth.
Amongst Muslims, hair removal is part of an impulse towards general purity and cleanliness and includes the trimming of nails and the removing of armpit and pubic hair. Both men and women should remove armpit and pubic hair at least every forty days.
“Muslims are required to clean themselves well with water before offering prayers. Cleanliness is half of the faith, according to the teachings of Prophet Mohammad.” After visiting the toilet, a person is required to clean his or her private parts thoroughly with water to keep the body clean, Ahmad added.
Allah SWT obliged men to provide the basic amenities to his wives like security, suitable clothes, comfortable home, and adequate food. A husband must understand that he is the guardian of his woman and he has to take care of her comforts and needs.
If the husband feels the wife is behaving in a disobedient and rebellious manner, he is required to rectify her attitude — first by kind words, then gentle persuasion and reasoning. Beating as a last resort must never be understood to entail using a stick or any other instrument that would cause pain or injury.
The fact is that such situations are based on local culture and tradition. Islam does not endorse them. A woman has the full rights to her earnings and property. A husband is well advised not to meddle with his wife's property, because he does not have any claim to it.