Biopsy is a very commonly used word, almost associated with diseases related to cancer. If the result returned is negative, it is considered a benign tumor and vice versa, positive is a malignant tumor.
Although not frequent, biopsy result at the referred hospital is negative for malignancy in some patients.
At the most basic level, these test results are expected to be one of two kinds: positive, meaning the condition (or cancer) being sought – or an abnormality – is present; or negative, meaning the condition has not been detected. Biopsies provide much more information than just the presence or lack of cancerous cells.
If your pathologist suspects certain types of cancer, such as lymphoma, he or she might need to perform additional testing to determine the subtype. This process takes an additional 24 to 96 hours, depending on the complexity of the cancer. It can be agonizing to wait for biopsy results.
Positive or negative results take exactly as long to come through as each other. Inconclusive results can take longer.
Sometimes, the result of a biopsy will be inconclusive, meaning that the test has not produced a definitive result. This can happen for several reasons: There could have been a problem processing the sample, the sample didn't contain enough of the affected tissue or the sample size was not large enough.
If no abnormal cells were found, then you will usually be told straight away by the doctor or nurse. You will still need to attend routine cervical screening appointments in the future. If you had a biopsy you may need to wait 4 to 8 weeks to get your results.
Doctors have two ways to stage cancer: Clinical Staging This type of staging is done based on the results of diagnostic exams, like a biopsy and imaging test.
If you're deemed to be of sound mind, and you ask the question, then yes, they are legally obligated to disclose your medical data to you. That includes what they may or may not be testing you for.
For most biopsy procedures, results are generally available within a few days to one week to 10 days. Ask your provider when you should expect to get your results and how you will receive them.
If you use an antigen test, a positive result is reliable, but a negative test is not always accurate. If your antigen test is negative, take another antigen test after 48 hours or take a PCR test as soon as you can. If your second antigen test is also negative, wait another 48 hours and test a third time.
When the tissue sample is examined under the microscope, abnormal cells may be identified. This can help to diagnose a specific condition. If a condition has already been diagnosed, a biopsy can also be used to assess its severity (such as the degree of inflammation) and grade (such as the aggressiveness of a cancer).
Urgent referral for suspected cancer
An urgent referral can be worrying. But remember that more than 9 in every 10 people (more than 90%) referred this way will not have a diagnosis of cancer. In England, an urgent referral means that you should see a specialist within 2 weeks.
You may undergo a biopsy if you're experiencing certain signs and symptoms or if your health care provider has identified an area of concern. A biopsy can determine whether you have cancer or another condition.
So your doctor may start by asking about your personal and family medical history and doing a physical exam. They may order lab tests, imaging tests (scans), or other tests or procedures. You may also need a biopsy, which is often the only way to tell for sure if you have cancer.
Know when to call your doctor by using the 2-week rule: If you notice a subtle change in your normal health and it lasts 2 weeks or more, it's time to explore what is causing the change. Your doctor wants to hear from you before a small problem becomes a bigger, more complex one.
Sometimes symptoms affect specific areas of the body, such as our tummy or skin. But signs can also be more general, and include weight loss, tiredness (fatigue) or unexplained pain. Some possible signs of cancer, like a lump, are better known than others.
But for most cancer types, a cancer diagnosis isn't a diagnosis until a biopsy says it is — and everything that follows hinges on that biopsy. A biopsy is a procedure that collects a sample of tissue or cells from a suspicious area, mass or lymph node for examination and testing by a pathologist.
Keep busy – or keep still
For some people who are anxious while waiting for news, distraction and packing their time with activities is the best way to cope. For others, quieting the mind and pursuing contemplative activities, like prayer, yoga, meditation, or breathing exercises, is better.