Usually, in most cases, failing the segment will result in a protagonist's death or a different path being taken. But in some cases, it does not result in heavy consequences.
At times you'll also need to hold your breath to hide from something. You do this by holding the A button until the danger has passed, though you'll want to be 100% sure it's gone before you let go.
That being said, it's possible, and is perhaps one of the best and most fruitful endings for the game. Here's how to keep everyone alive in The Quarry, and if you're not quite sure of which nine characters you're going to be focusing on, it's as follows: Abi, Nick, Emma, Jacob, Ryan, Dylan, Kaitlyn, Max and Laura.
With only himself to blame, Jacob's first fatality in the beloved summer camp horror game comes in Chapter 3 comes when he opts to dive into the lake to retrieve the rotary arm he took in chapter 1. If Jacob opts to pull himself up before untangling the underwater chains, he will inevitably drown to death by accident.
Not shooting the hunter results in Nick biting his finger and then running to Ryan. This causes Bobby to remove the infected finger using the gun, which freaks Ryan out. On the other hand, shooting Bobby will make him go away, but not before dropping a blood vial, which will be a key item in chapter 10.
It is still possible to save Dylan if the monster bites his hand by using Ryan to amputate it before the infection spreads. This is best done by choosing the CONFIDENT dialogue option and then the CHAINSAW to successfully cut Dylan's arm off.
Laura Kearney
Although she has at least four potential deaths in Chapters 9 and 10, the awesome female horror game protagonist Laura's inextricable link with Ryan makes her survival more difficult than many.
Silas Vorez is the main antagonist of The Quarry.
You only need Laura, Jacob, Abigail, Dylan, Ryan, Emma, Nick, Kaitlyn, and Max to survive in order to get the 'Rough Night' Trophy, but if you want to ensure nobody dies in The Quarry except for a few unavoidable deaths, you're going to have to do the QTE's yourself.
If Constance wasn't killed in the exchange, Travis, Constance and Jedediah will bicker amongst themselves about Laura. Bobby will then bring Ryan up from the basement and we'll get a choice: run from Bobby or distract him to help Ryan?
Don't Remove The Knife, Get Bitten
It will be inevitable that Ryan will get stabbed by Bobby. Make sure you do not pull out the weapon — this will eventually result in Ryan dying from blood loss.
9 Dive In Or Help Abi
Jacob can either choose to help Abi, leaving Emma behind, or he can dive back into the lake for the rotor arm. If you choose to help Abi, Jacob doesn't end up finding her until she's already back with the group. If you choose to dive in, Emma will swim away assuming you abandoned her.
This marks the last time we can interact with Nick's story before the end, but to truly save Nick, the werewolf curse must be lifted. This involves killing werewolf Caleb as he was the one that initially bit Nick.
If you picked up the syringe but didn't conceal it behind the brick, Travis will find it during his search and confiscate it, meaning you won't be able to use it in a set piece coming up very shortly.
For example, choosing to kiss Kaitlyn will leave Ryan somewhat disappointed at the missed opportunity. Kaitlyn kissing Ryan is much like Dylan's response: a polite yet earnest peck on the lips. This is understandable for both parties, as their admitted crush on Ryan is given a chance to bloom.
(Chapter 7) Laura Grabs the Syringe and Hides It
Inside, Laura will find a syringe that can be used to tranquilize Travis, much like he did to her in the Prologue.
If Bobby was not stabbed, he will protect his family from Chris and will be able to get out of it alive, leaving Chris to attack Ryan instead. If he was stabbed, he will get his throat mauled, leaving his parents If he survives this encounter, he is not seen again for the rest of the game.
Make it to Silas and break the curse
Finally, when given the option to kill or spare Silas, have Laura break the curse by shooting the creature. This will mean any characters who remain infected will be cured and freed. And that's how you end up getting the best ending in The Quarry.
The path will not be unlocked if Dylan's hand was not bitten in Chapter 5. This requires Abigail to leave the bags in Chapter 1.
He is initially presented as an abusive "bad sheriff", but he is not a malevolent character - he wants nothing more than to save his family, and is willing to work with the counselors to achieve this.
Ryan will then tell the group that the girl in the pool is Kaylee Hackett, Chris' daughter. He thought she'd left camp but she was evidently still at Hackett's Quarry.
Horror fans will likely recognize Constance's voice actor, Lin Shaye. After all, Shaye has become something of a go-to choice for elderly characters in horror films in recent years thanks to her appearances in movies like Insidious, The Call, Darkness Falls, and The Grudge.
Evan Evagora (born August 10, 1996) is an Australian actor. He is best known for his role as the Romulan Elnor on the television series Star Trek: Picard. He voiced and motion captured the role of Nick Furcillo in The Quarry.
A boisterous frat boy type who all but incited the entire murder spree to start the game, Jacob Custos (Zach Tinker) is easily the least likable camp counselor. He's loud, brash, obnoxious, does not listen or heed any advice, and as a result of his ignorance, has at least eight potential deaths in the game.
1. Laura Kearney. On top of the list of the best characters on The Quarry, we have Laura Kearney. A veterinary medical student voiced by Siobhan Williams, who goes through a series of mayhem as a result of trusting Max, her boyfriend.