Yes, after cataract surgery, you need to wear sunglasses to protect your eyes from the sun. After surgery, your eyes are healing and are more sensitive to the sun's rays than usual. Anytime you go outside, you need to wear sunglasses. Whether it's raining or sunny, the sun is giving off damaging UV rays.
Cataract surgery and sunglasses
Either way, the surgery has still left your retina vulnerable, and even if you have an IOL with that UV coating, you're still at risk to eye damage due to UV rays. You could even cause your cataracts to return as UV rays are one of the leading causes of cataracts.
Most doctors recommend wearing sunglasses after cataract surgery for at least a week—and many doctors recommend up to a year. The truth is wearing sunglasses is always a good idea whether you've had cataract surgery or not. Protecting your eyes from the sun's damaging rays keeps them healthier longer.
People who have light-colored eyes are also more likely to suffer eye damage if they are exposed to excessive sunlight. Children are especially susceptible to sun damage to their eyes. People who have undergone cataract surgery are also at an increased risk of eye damage from ultraviolet light.
In studies, between 60% and 88% of patients who have cataract surgery with a MultiFocal lens report that they never wear glasses. For cataract patients who value their ability to see clearly at a range of distances without glasses, a MultiFocal IOL can be a great option.
Because normal IOLs don't correct in multiple ways, many patients still require some external correction. Other factors include other eye conditions such as astigmatism or the general prescription you require for good vision.
Blurred vision is a common reaction to cataract surgery because your eyes need time to heal and adjust to the lens your doctor implanted.
“High eye pressure can interfere with the incision before it fully heals,” says Eghrari. “Positions that put your head below your waist, such as bending over, can also increase eye pressure and should be avoided initially after surgery.”
The eye that you had surgery on will be very sensitive. Rubbing your eye could damage the fragile flap created during the procedure. Damaging this flap could lead to complications or other problems.
After cataract surgery, your eyes are more susceptible to infection and complications. Swimming is a bad idea because water is a place where bacteria can grow. Since your eyes aren't at their best, you're more likely to get an infection from the water.
Wear sunglasses outdoors for one week after surgery. It is optional to wear them indoors.
When you spend time in the sun without adequate protection, you may be more likely to develop a variety of eye issues, ranging from corneal "sunburns" to cataracts. Eye conditions associated with sun exposure include: Photokeratitis: Photokeratitis occurs when your corneas are exposed to intense sunlight.
Patients with a dislocated IOL may experience a decrease or change in vision, diplopia, and/or glare. Additionally, they may report ocular pain or headaches from intermittent angle-closure and/or inflammation. Some patients also report seeing the edge of the IOL.
Avoid rubbing the eyes for one week, and excessive rubbing can cause other problems. Some tenderness and mild watery after surgery is normal and will settle in time.
Do not rub or put pressure on your eye for at least 1 week. Do not wear eye makeup for 1 to 2 weeks. You may also want to avoid face cream or lotion. Do not get your hair coloured or permed for 10 days after surgery.
If you're unable to get hold of them, visit your local optometrist or GP, or go to a hospital emergency. Red flags include: Loss of vision, whether increasing blur or entire areas of black/grey in your visual field. Any discharge from the eye.
Cystoid Macular Edema
CME is the most frequent complication after an uncomplicated cataract surgery. Its peak incidence is about 6 to 8 weeks post-operatively.
Aside from blurriness, some individuals also experience a temporary vision imbalance known as anisometropia. Anisometropia typically lasts just a few days after surgery and can lead to double vision or issues with depth perception.
Whether vision achieves 20/20 depends on many factors, including accuracy of the biometry measurements of the eye, the strength of the implanted intraocular lens, pre-existing health of the eye including the retina and the cornea, and the postoperative course.
Your lens is held in place by delicate fibers called zonules. If you've had an eye lens replacement for cataract surgery or refractive lens exchange, your intraocular lens implant (IOL) is held in place by a small sac and these thin fibers.
Sometimes blurry vision is caused by PCO, a fairly common complication that can occur weeks, months or (more frequently) years after cataract surgery. It happens when the lens capsule, the membrane that holds your new, intraocular lens in place, becomes hazy or wrinkled and starts to cloud vision.
When you spend time in the sun without adequate protection, you may be more likely to develop a variety of eye issues, ranging from corneal “sunburns” to cataracts. Eye conditions associated with sun exposure include: Photokeratitis: Photokeratitis occurs when your corneas are exposed to intense sunlight.
Your eyes need to adapt to different brightness levels throughout the day. This prevents your eyes from hurting due to too much exposure to bright lights or intense sun rays in one setting. Wearing sunglasses all the time can cause you to squint more often.
Since there is no known “safe level” of UV radiation exposure to the eyes, sunglasses is compulsory when you are outside during the day. It is when the UV index is 3 or higher. You should also wear sunglasses even if it is cloudy.