Under California Penal Code Section 314 people may also be charged with indecent exposure, a misdemeanor for “lewd” behavior. Los Angeles County Code Section 11.16. 050 classifies public urination as a misdemeanor offense punishable with a $1,000 fine and/or six months in jail, although jail time is unlikely.
Urinating in Public
Section 314 of the California Penal Code allows public urinating to be prosecuted as indecent exposure, a more severe offense. However, lewd conduct has still been deemed a misdemeanor.
As an infraction public urination is punishable by a fine ranging from $100 to $500. Infractions do not allow for jail time. Urinating on public transportation, or in a public transportation facility, is a misdemeanor under Penal Code 640 (excluding bathrooms).
According to a criminal attorney Los Angeles, CA, there is not a specific law in California against public urination, except on public transportation (if the behavior was a result of a disability, age, or medical condition, then it is not a criminal offense).
Public urination is illegal in every state in the country, but the crime it is charged under can vary between jurisdictions. In Texas, it is usually charged under disorderly conduct. Disorderly conduct in Texas can mean a Class C misdemeanor, which is punishable by a fine of $500 or less.
Change up your posture or fold/place your hands over the most visible areas. If there are other liquids around (juice, soda, etc.) spill them on top of the wet spot. This will cover up any smell or stain, if any, and provide a credible excuse.
Section 16-118 - “Public Urination”
Administrative Code - “Section 16-118 - Public Urination” are eligible to plead guilty and pay a $50 fine by mail. This program is available to persons charged with this petty offense only, and only if no other summonses are issued to the individual at the same time.
Los Angeles County Code Section 11.16. 050 classifies public urination as a misdemeanor offense punishable with a $1,000 fine and/or six months in jail, although jail time is unlikely.
What if you're not wearing shoes when you drive? Is it illegal for you to do so in California? The short answer is no. Contrary to the common belief by many Californians that it is an offense, there are no federal or state laws against driving without shoes or socks on your feet.
California – Bathroom Fashion Not Allowed
California has a dress code when it comes to women behind the wheel. It's actually illegal for a woman to drive wearing a bathrobe.
California retail businesses must prepare to open employee-only restrooms to members of the public to accommodate medical conditions including Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, other inflammatory bowel disease, and irritable bowel syndrome.
One way or another, urinating (or defecating) in public is illegal in every state. Someone who urinates in public can be charged under a state's laws or a city or county's local ordinances.
California Penal Code 314 PC defines the sex crime of “indecent exposure.” This statute prohibits willfully exposing your private parts in a public place in the presence of another person who might be annoyed or offended.
Under Texas law, public urination falls under the category of disorderly conduct. Disorderly conduct is considered a Class C misdemeanor, typically punishable by a fine of up to $500.
In the state of California, it's a crime to spy on or take photos of someone in a private setting without their knowledge and consent. We commonly refer to these as "peeping tom" crimes.
About paruresis
A person with paruresis (shy bladder syndrome) finds it difficult or impossible to urinate (pee) when other people are around. Paruresis is believed to be a common type of social phobia, ranking second only to the fear of public speaking. Paruresis is often first experienced at school.
More specifically, you can't get a ticket in California, that is, unless your shirtless driving falls under laws governing lewd or obscene acts. If you're male, this won't pertain to you. But if you're a female, driving without a shirt may be illegal if you're exposing your breasts.
Is it illegal to sleep in your car in California? According to the California State Department of Transportation, it is legal to sleep in your car in rest stops for up to eight hours. Cities and counties have varying laws, but most don't allow sleeping in cars overnight.
No state, including California, has a law that prohibits eating while driving. You might interpret this as a tacit admission that you can safely eat and drive in some situations. But every state, including California, has reckless driving laws. These laws do not specifically refer to eating.
Provided you agree with your contractor that it's fine to urinate in your yard, and they find a private spot, it shouldn't be a legal problem. However, it's a different story if they relieve themselves in full view of a public road or other neighbors, as public urination is illegal in the United States.
While you can urinate in your backyard as long as nobody sees you, things can be different if a neighbor catches you. They might decide to report to the police, and you can face charges for public urination even if it was on your private property. Besides, public urination is a crime punishable by law in all states.
(a) It is unlawful to litter or cause to be littered in or upon public or private property. A person, firm, or corporation violating this section is guilty of an infraction.
Urination and Defecation in Parks
No person shall urinate or defecate in any Park, or in or upon any park building, monument or structure, except in a facility which is specifically designed for such purpose.
Public intoxication due to alcohol is not considered a criminal offense in New York state. However, if you pose a threat to others or yourself, a law enforcement officer can take you into custody.
§181.03 Spitting prohibited.
(a) No person shall spit upon a sidewalk of a street or place, or on a floor, wall or stairway of any public or private building or premises used in common by the public, or in or on any public transportation facility.