Short-term risks of eating 1,000 calories a day may include dizziness, hunger, gallstones, nausea, fatigue, headaches, and nutrient deficiencies. It can lead to nutrient deficiencies, slow metabolism, and make bones weaker if you exercise along with a low-calorie diet.
However, other studies show that while consuming 1,000 calories a day may result in significant weight loss, most people cannot sustain it and often experience significant weight regain . The reasons include regaining lost muscle mass and increased appetite.
1 pound (around 0.5 kg) is about 3500 calories (5), so if you stick to a 1000 calorie meal plan, and your normal needs are 2000-2500 calories per day, you may burn as much as 7000-10 500 calories per week, thus losing from 2 to 3 pounds (1-1.5kg) a week.
The amount of weight you'll lose on a 1,000 calorie diet will depend on your current weight, and your activity levels. If you can stick to 1,000 calories a day, you will lose weight very quickly (most likely more than 2lbs per week). But the chances are you won't be able to because it's just too low for most people.
Because 7,000 calories equate to 2 pounds of body fat, reduce your energy intake by 1,000 calories daily to achieve a weight loss of 2 pounds per week or 8-10 pounds in a month.
As a general rule, people need a minimum of 1,200 calories daily to stay healthy. People who have a strenuous fitness routine or perform many daily activities need more calories. If you have reduced your calorie intake below 1,200 calories a day, you could be hurting your body in addition to your weight-loss plans.
It can lead to nutrient deficiencies, slow metabolism, and make bones weaker if you exercise along with a low-calorie diet. Eating too few calories can make it harder to meet your daily nutrient needs because you may be depriving yourself of certain foods and adequate amounts of vitamins and minerals.
A very low calorie diet is a clinically supervised diet plan that involves eating about 800 calories a day or fewer. They are sometimes considered for obese and severely obese people who are managing diabetes, going to have surgery or preparing for fertility treatment.
When a person has been eating a low-calorie diet for long enough to actually be starving—there's no specific caloric threshold or length of time for this to happen because it's so individual, the experts explain, but it certainly takes longer than a day without food—a few physiological processes take place.
How Much Weight Will You Lose by Burning 1,000 Calories? Most experts agree that you need to have a 3,500-calorie deficit per week in order to lose one pound. So if you were to burn 1,000 calories per day — or 7,000 calories per week — you could lose 2lbs per week.
But the average weight loss that most people see on the 1200 calorie diet is about one to two pounds per week.”
Some people go on a very low-calorie diet for rapid weight loss, often consuming only 800 calories a day. This type of diet usually includes special foods such as shakes, bars, or soups to replace meals and for added vitamins. Very low-calorie diets can help a person achieve weight loss of up to 3 to 5 pounds per week.
The diet doesn't have enough calories
Eating too little — say, 1,000 calories a day — can prevent you from losing weight, too. "When you don't eat enough, your body is starving and it's not going to lose any extra weight" because it needs those energy stores to keep you alive, Fakhoury said.
You can't lose weight on 1200 calories a day because you're no longer in a calorie deficit. Your body has adapted to what it's been doing and plateaued. If you start your diet with a 500 calorie deficit per day, your body adapts to this in various way so that over time your energy requirements are reduced.
Starvation calories are an intake of fewer than 600 calories per day, however; any caloric intake below the recommended minimum doesn't provide the body with the fuel it needs to function properly. A starvation diet doesn't promote weight loss because your metabolism slows down in response to low caloric intake.
The amount of food we consume daily has a significant impact on bodily function. Most adults need a minimum of 2000 calories to sustain metabolism, muscle activity, and brain function.
Generally, the recommended daily calorie intake is 2,000 calories a day for women and 2,500 for men.
Danger of deficiencies
The greatest dangers associated with a 500-calorie diet relate to vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Vitamin and mineral deficiencies can lead to many health problems. In fact, most people cannot meet their vitamin and mineral requirements if they eat less than 1200 calories per day.
When it comes to losing weight, you're not alone if you want to lose it fast. But exercising and getting only 1,000 calories a day isn't the healthiest way go about it. In fact, it may sabotage your weight-loss efforts altogether by slowing down your metabolism and being too difficult to follow long-term.
Eating 700 calories a day should only be done under the guidance of a medical professional. Your body needs more than 1200 calories a day; consuming 700 is an extreme calorie restriction. Despite being a very low-calorie diet, the 700 diet works. If done correctly, it leads to weight loss and manages obesity.
There are many reasons you can gain weight that have nothing to do with food. Sometimes weight gain is easy to figure out. If you've changed your eating habits, added more dessert or processed foods, or have been spending more time on the couch than usual, you can typically blame those reasons if you gain a few pounds.