What happens when you ignore your ex? Anytime you begin ignoring your ex, this can change both their behavior and yours. For instance, you will have time to think about the relationship that just ended so that you can move forward with your life.
In most cases, they don't. That is, most of the time, your ex will stop reaching out to you completely if you ignore them and then you are in a difficult, tricky position. From there, you will have fewer options to getting your ex back. If you are being told to ignore your ex during no contact, don't do it!
The No Contact Rule is dependent on time. In order for it to psychologically impact your ex boyfriend, ex girlfriend, or spouse who wants to leave you, you must be silent long enough for it to have a compounding and traumatic affect on him or her.
During no contact, dumpers initially feel a sense of relief that the relationship is over. Then they start getting curious about why their ex never called. Then they start stalking the ex on social media to see how they are doing without them.
Generally speaking, some dumpers regret their decision to break up only weeks after the incident. Other dumpers need years to feel that way. And some never even arrive at the final stage of dumpers remorse. Instead, they move on to someone else — be it a rebound or not.
The psychology of no contact on dumper is a coping mechanism to help you think hard about what went wrong and how you could be a better person and a potentially better partner to the next person who will come along. Instead of thinking about your ex, you have to focus on self-improvement and healing.
Ultimately, we are of the belief that in most cases dumpers do “stalk” their exes on social media. In fact, there are multiple ways in which they do that.
If you average all the reputable research on the ex recovery process and chances of getting your ex back, there's about a 43.5% chance your ex will come back without doing anything. Those aren't exactly betting odds. That means six out of ten times you're probably not going to get your ex back.
In most cases, if you give your ex enough space, they will at some point miss you. Of course, that doesn't necessarily mean they're going to get on their hands and knees and beg for you back. For some the “missing emotion” can be fleeting. For others, all consuming.
If you want your ex to come back, however, chasing them is the worst thing that you could do. When you chase, you ingrain yourself in backup-plan mode with your ex. That means that they will feel even less attraction for you due to your chasing.
It depends on why you're the “dumper”, if you have no feelings then you're likely to move on straight away. If you're the dumper because of something they're doing, lack of interest etc then it may take some time to fully “move on”, since you don't actually want to break up with them.
Ignoring is powerful because you take what they desire, away. Lowkey, this ends up turning into a form of revenge without you even trying to do so.
By ignoring your ex, you will not run into any awkward arguments or hurt feelings. You don't have to deal with their bad attitude. Having a great life is the best revenge. Don't argue with your ex, it just prolongs the process of moving on and finding someone else.
Being ignored by your ex does hurt. Not only that, but it also carries tangible and unrelenting consequences. It lowers self-esteem, makes you more prone to misery, anxiety, and depression, and obstructs or even prevents you from getting closure.
A recent study showed that 44% of Americans have gotten back together with one of their exes after breaking up with them. However, of these couples, it's less clear whether they were able to build and stay in healthy, loving relationships in the long run.
Orbiting may be a power play, showing your ex that you're still there watching. When relationships end and there are unresolved issues, an ex may orbit to show the other that they still have interest. To prevent their ex from forgetting them or getting over them, they keep their name popping up on their social media.
If you two have been out of the relationship you had for a long period of time, the odds that they think about you often, other than a passing moment here or there, is slim. But if it's been days, weeks, or less than 6 months from the breakup, the odds are that your ex thinks about you quite a bit.
The way a dumper feels after a month of no contact is that they'll usually still be stuck in the “separation elation” phase. Don't fear though, the bell will toll as the depressive episode is just around the corner.
And your ex might want to hurt you as a way to feel better about themselves, regain control of the situation, and feel the power. This means that your ex might want to hurt you as a way to prove that they're still in charge of the relationship.
They didn't put in any effort.
Instead, they may not have planned your dates or remembered your birthday or your anniversary. They never went out of their way to meet your friends, or they may have not been interested in making you feel better when you're down.
Depends on the situation: If dumper is mature and recognizes that it was not a good relationship for him, he won't feel anything. If dumper is selfish, egoistical and immature, he will be jealous. But, doesn't really want the dumpee back, but mostly because their ego is hurt.