The initial recovery following stroke is most likely due to decreased swelling of brain tissue, removal of toxins from the brain, and improvement in the circulation of blood in the brain. Cells damaged, but not beyond repair, will begin to heal and function more normally.
You'll see the fastest improvement in the weeks and months right after the stroke. Progress slows between six months and a year, but if you continue to work at it, you may continue to see slower improvement over years. Movement challenges. A physical disability or limitation is common if you've had a stroke.
A stroke is most often caused by a clot in a blood vessel supplying the brain, and permanent brain damage can be reduced if the blood flow is restored quickly enough. That means the symptoms of a stroke can – in some cases – be reversed.
Tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) is a thrombolytic. tPA improves the chances of recovering from a stroke. Studies show that patients with ischemic strokes who receive tPA are more likely to recover fully or have less disability than patients who do not receive the drug.
Even after surviving a stroke, you're not out of the woods, since having one makes it a lot more likely that you'll have another. In fact, of the 795,000 Americans who will have a first stroke this year, 23 percent will suffer a second stroke.
The damaged brain can recover function in many ways; all involve a process called neuroplasticity. New connections can form, allowing healthy parts of the brain to "take over" for parts that are damaged. It is even possible for new brain cells to form from stem cells in the brain.
After six months, improvements are possible but will be much slower. Most stroke patients reach a relatively steady state at this point. For some, this means a full recovery. Others will have ongoing impairments, also called chronic stroke disease.
How Does a Stroke Impact Life Expectancy? Despite the likelihood of making a full recovery, life expectancy after stroke incidents can decrease. Unfortunately, researchers have observed a wide range of life expectancy changes in stroke patients, but the average reduction in lifespan is nine and a half years.
The Role of Sleep in Stroke Recovery
Quality sleep has many benefits, especially for stroke survivors. Getting a good night's sleep supports neuroplasticity, the brain's ability to restructure and create new neural connections in healthy parts of the brain, allowing stroke survivors to re-learn movements and functions.
The inverse association of magnesium intake and stroke is consistent with a meta-analysis of 7 prospective studies. They reported an 8% reduced stroke risk per 100 mg/d dietary magnesium increment.
If you have a stroke, the curcumin found in turmeric may help limit the damage that sometimes occurs when the blood and oxygen return to your brain tissues after the stroke, according to a study published in "Microcirculation" in August 2013. This damage is called a repurfusion injury.
(10) Get enough potassium
Potassium is abundant in fruit, vegetables, and milk products. Therefore, if you consume recommended amounts of these food groups, you should achieve an adequate intake of potassium. Good fruit choices include bananas, apricots, oranges, cantaloupe, and apples.
To recap, your best choices are hydrating beverages that contain minimal calories, sugar or salt. Reach for water, coffee or tea most often. And keep a water bottle handy – the visual cue reminds you to keep sipping.
“The biggest things to cut back on are sugar, salt, highly processed foods, saturated and trans fats, and fried foods, as well as snacky-type foods,” says Chen, referring to packaged snack foods, including pretzels and chips.
“We found that a stroke reduced a patient's life expectancy by five and a half years on average, compared with the general population,” Dr Peng said.
Typically, medication needs to be given within three hours of when symptoms began. In some cases, that window can be extended to four and a half hours, or more.