Moana: Gryffindor
Like many of the princesses though, she sets out on a long journey.
Elsa is the ultimate Ravenclaw for many different reasons. For one, she is brilliant. She is also extremely creative.
Pocahontas: Gryffindor
Pocahontas is a total Gryffinclaw as she's both idealistic and grounded, but her thirst for adventure and harmony puts her staunchly into the lion's den.
Hufflepuff: Princess Jasmine
Those who end up in this house are hard-working and loyal, but also very compassionate and kind.
3 Rapunzel - Ravenclaw
She develops her creative skills throughout her life while imprisoned in the tower. She also has a strong mind and is a quick learner.
Emma Swan – Gryffindor
From defeating Maleficent in dragon form to fighting the final battle, Emma demonstrated her bravery and chivalrous nature a multitude of times.
Wonder Woman
Yes, Princess Diana of Themyscira is a Hufflepuff. As with most Sortings, one simply has to look to her origins: yes, she did run off to fight due to a fairly Gryffindorian urge for battle. But that was very much part of her upbringing.
Sirius bucked the trend in the Black family by being sorted into Gryffindor as opposed to Slytherin, like the rest of his family. This marked him as being different from the off and him being a Gryffindor – coupled with a significantly more sympathetic disposition – resulted in a rocky relationship with his family.
Captain Jack Sparrow: Ravenclaw.
Megan Fox & Kelly Confess They're Both Gryffindors!
Gryffindor! Swift is brave, true and loves cats.
Mad-Eye Moody is a Hufflepuff.
Ariana Grande revealed she's a Slytherin.
Actor Tom Felton told Huffpost he thought Grande would be a Gryffindor. She revealed on Twitter the quiz told her she's a Slytherin, but she's down to change that up.
Pooh - Hufflepuff
He is often the focal point of the films, enjoyable to watch, and easy for audiences to relate to. Most Redditors agree that Pooh would be assigned to the Hufflepuff House.
In the wizarding world, each witch and wizard is assigned a school house at the start of their first year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Hermione Granger is one of Harry Potter's best friends, alongside Ron Weasley, who are all in Gryffindor house.
Upon their arrival at Hogwarts, the Sorting Hat placed Snape and Lily into Slytherin and Gryffindor Houses, respectively.
Loki – Slytherin
Throughout the series, this mission leads Loki to demonstrate some great redemptive moments. However, he is still an ambitious character at his core who manipulates his situation and the people around him to get what he wants, putting him firmly in Slytherin.
FOREST HILLS, QUEENS, NEW YORK -- The stories of Spider-Man live in comic books, on movie screens, and at a house in Forest Hills, Queens. A family that lived at 20 Ingram St. for over 30 years received hundreds of letters from people who believed Peter Parker really lived there.
Groot: Hufflepuff
There he is, the second Hufflepuff character - Groot.
Phoebe Buffay - Gryffindor
Literally. Her upbringing may give way to her offbeat personality, but it also makes sense as to why this woman seems fearless.
Rose Weasley is the girlfriend and later on wife to Scorpius Malfoy. From 2017 to 2024 she attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, where she was sorted into Gryffindor house.