Marriages take work, commitment, and love, but they also need respect to be truly happy and successful. A marriage based on love and respect doesn't just happen. Both spouses have to do their part. Below are some important keys to work on each day to make your marriage successful.
The ability to talk and listen to each other is one key to a healthy marriage. You should never assume your partner knows what you are thinking or feeling. Tell your spouse what is going on—and as a spouse, know when to simply listen. Learning to really hear your partner is a skill that may require practice.
Safety, Faithfulness, Commitment and Reliability are 4 pillars of trust every marriage needs. If any one of these is missing, the roof starts caving in and the relationship starts to deteriorate. Marriages thrive when both partners feel safe and secure.
Communication, Commitment, Compassion, Compatibility, and Chemistry.
Four proven ingredients that build and maintain awesome marriages are (1) Commitment, (2) Communication, (3) Consideration, and (4) Intentionality.
The 5 "As": Acceptance, Affection, Appreciation, Approval, and Attention: The Journey to Emotional Fulfillment.
Relationship dynamics will go up and down based on communication, compromise and commitment, the 3C's.
The 3As In Relationship Success: Acceptance, Appreciation, Acknowledgement.
These principles include: enhancing their "love maps"; nurturing their fondness and admiration; turning toward each other instead of away; letting their spouse influence them; solving their solvable problems; overcoming gridlock; and creating a shared sense of meaning.
The Golden Rule.
Treat your significant other the way you would want to be treated. Be the person you would want to be married to. Keep in mind how your actions or inaction may impact your spouse.
What does it mean to stonewall someone? In simple terms, stonewalling is when someone completely shuts down in a conversation or is refusing to communicate with another person.
While there are countless divorce studies with conflicting statistics, the data points to two periods during a marriage when divorces are most common: years 1 – 2 and years 5 – 8. Of those two high-risk periods, there are two years in particular that stand out as the most common years for divorce — years 7 and 8.
A new study finds that men are happier when their ladies pick up on their positive emotions, while women are more satisfied when men “feel their pain.” A lot of research has looked at the connection between picking up on what your spouse is feeling and satisfaction with the relationship.
Enter the 2-2-2 rule: Try and swing a date night every two weeks, a weekend away every two months and a week away every two years. The rule has its origins on a Reddit thread from 2015 and has in recent weeks reappeared on social media as a form of relationship advice.
Establish a 10-minute rule. Every day, for 10 minutes, talk alone about something other than work, the family and children, the household, the relationship. No problems, no scheduling, no logistics.
The 80/20 relationship theory states that you can only get about 80% of your wants and needs from a healthy relationship, while the remaining 20% you need to provide for yourself.
In healthy marriages, spouses are sexually and emotionally faithful to each other. On the other hand, infidelity is one of the most common causes of divorce. Intimacy and Emotional Support. Spouses who are intimate, emotionally supportive, trusting, and caring have healthy marriages.
While they might use different language, metaphors and allusions to describe what made their families strong, they all shared six distinct and culturally constant traits: Appreciation and affection, commitment, positive communication, enjoyable time together, spiritual well-being and successful management of stress and ...
Utilizing what IFS refers to as the 8 C's — Compassion, Curiosity, Calmness, Clarity, Courage, Connectedness, Confidence, Creativity — we can begin to understand and find the answers we need to care for ourselves and experience deeper relationships with those closest to us.”
The three A's for increasing relationship happiness include expressing appreciation, admiration, and affection. Consistency in conveying these will increase your individual and your relationship happiness.
Open Dialogue, Trust, and Vulnerability are the three building blocks of a successful and happy relationship. Strengthening all of these areas in your current relationship creates joy and fulfillment in many other areas of our lives.