What hurts more a tummy tuck or ac section?

Whether you're contemplating a Mommy Makeover package or just want to undergo a tummy tuck, you'll be relieved to know that any pain from this cosmetic procedure is far less than that experienced after a C-section.

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How severe is the pain after a tummy tuck?

In general, pain is mild to moderate after a tummy tuck. Rarely, pain or sensory abnormalities can persist for months or even years after the procedure. If your pain is severe or persistent, you should tell your healthcare provider.

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Is tummy tuck pain bearable?

A tummy tuck can be painful for up to a week after surgery. The amount of pain will depend on the exact tummy tuck procedure you have. Mini tummy tucks present the least pain whilst extended tummy tucks have the most pain. Tummy tuck pain can be managed by pain medications prescribed by your surgeon.

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Do you go down a size after a tummy tuck?

Most women lose between 2 and 3 pants sizes after a tuck, but there are patients who lose even more. If you had a lot of loose skin before the procedure, for example, you could go down 4 more pants sizes.

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What hurts more lipo or tummy tuck?

While pain tolerance can differ from individual to individual, patients often say the process of recovering from tummy tuck surgery is more painful than liposuction. While liposuction requires small incisions in the skin only, many tummy tuck techniques involve incisions that penetrate the muscle.

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What is more painful a c section or a tummy tuck?

41 related questions found

Is tummy tuck scar worse than C-section?

In general, there is more dissection involved with a tummy tuck than a cesarean section. In a c-section, there is an intraabdominal component to the operation and the fibrous tissue layer is cut. In abdominoplasty, the fibrous tissue layer is plicated (folded in or tucked) leading to tightness.

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What is the most painful cosmetic surgery?

Many patients suggest that the Brazilian butt lift is the most painful surgery. This is followed by the tummy tuck, breast implants, liposuction, breast lifts and reductions, and jaw surgery. Dental implants can also cause much pain, as you still need to eat in the healing process.

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Is it harder to lose weight after tummy tuck?

With a full tuck, you will lose more weight than you would with a mini tuck because you probably have more excess skin and fat to be removed. Finally, the opportunity to lose the most weight after abdominoplasty is reserved for clients who choose an extended tuck.

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Can I flatten my stomach more after a tummy tuck?

Even though loose skin and subcutaneous fat are removed, abdominoplasty cannot remove excess visceral fat that remains intact behind tightened abdominal muscles. Visceral fat surrounds your organs and can only be reduced by diet and exercise.

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Is it easier to lose weight after a tummy tuck?

Whilst the removal of this can result in some loss of body mass, a tummy tuck is not a weight loss solution. In fact, removing excess skin can make it easier for patients to shed pounds and contour their bodies post-surgery.

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How long is bed rest after tummy tuck?

Bed rest is recommended for the first 2 days after your tummy tuck procedure. On day 3, activity is encouraged but should be limited.

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Does anyone regret having a tummy tuck?

Yes, it's normal to regret having cosmetic surgery due to the physical and emotional toll the procedure takes on your body. However, there are a few steps you can take to minimize these feelings of regret.

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Who should not get a tummy tuck?

Obese or overweight. Body Mass Index (BMI) over 30. Any previous clotting issues or surgical complications. Currently taking any medications, anticoagulants, or supplements that might interfere.

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Can I push to poop after tummy tuck?

You may notice that your bowel movements are not regular right after your surgery. This is common. Try to avoid constipation and straining with bowel movements. You may want to take a fibre supplement every day.

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Why is a tummy tuck so painful?

The discomfort after a tummy tuck comes not from the incision, which will actually be numb for some time, but from the muscle tightening.

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When can I walk straight after tummy tuck?

As part of the recovery process, patients will need to hunch or bend over at the waist when walking for about a week after a tummy tuck. This is a temporary precaution, although an understandable concern of prospective patients.

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How many sizes do you lose after a tummy tuck?

Full tummy tucks help patients lose clothing sizes and inches in their midsection, but weight loss is usually not more than a few pounds. The average woman can expect to lose two to three dress sizes after a tummy tuck, while men can expect to drop several pant sizes.

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What happens if you get fat again after a tummy tuck?

Because a tummy tuck is a more extensive surgery, patients need around 10 to 14 days to recover. The results are long-lasting, and the removed fat cells won't grow back—but remaining fat cells may expand and the skin may re-stretch if you gain a large amount of weight.

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Will back fat go away after tummy tuck?

Having the right expectations for your procedure can help you better understand how your body fat will be impacted. Remember, while tummy tucks do remove fat from the abdomen, it doesn't remove it from any other part of the body. You can still gain fat in other areas, even following the procedure.

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Will I look different after a tummy tuck?

It will take several months for all the swelling and bruising to fade, so you won't see the final results for some time. Therefore, it's essential to be patient and wait for the body to heal. After most of the swelling fades in two or three months, you should begin to see a smoother, tighter belly.

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Does a tummy tuck change your body shape?

Applying a specialized suturing pattern

Both of these procedure techniques can dramatically enhance body proportions, not only helping to create a more noticeable “hourglass” shape, but also helping your breasts and buttocks look a little fuller in comparison, without any additional procedures.

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Should I lose all my weight before tummy tuck?

Expect to be at a stable weight before your tummy tuck

Most surgeons will recommend patients be between 10-15 pounds from their goal weight. This is important as gaining or losing additional weight can undo the contoured shape achieved through your surgery.

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What are the 3 most painful surgeries?

Here, we outline what are considered to be five of the most painful surgeries:
  1. Open surgery on the heel bone. If a person fractures their heel bone, they may need surgery. ...
  2. Spinal fusion. The bones that make up the spine are known as vertebrae. ...
  3. Myomectomy. ...
  4. Proctocolectomy. ...
  5. Complex spinal reconstruction.

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What are the worst days after a tummy tuck?

The first three to five days are the most difficult period of tummy tuck recovery. You will spend much of this time reclining – often even sleeping in a recliner. During this first week when the pain is most severe, Dr. Slack will prescribe a combination of narcotics and muscle relaxers.

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