What am I? A violin! What musical instrument can you hear but not see or touch? I am at the beginning of a phrase.
HOUSTON — The most curious quality of the theremin, one of the oldest electronic instruments, is how its eerie and ethereal sound is manipulated without the performer actually touching it.
Voice is a good answer.
An amazing instrument played without. touching!
A thereminist and his theremin – an almost century-old musical instrument, a box with two antennas. You play it by moving your hands in the air, through the antennas' invisible electromagnetic fields.
What has teeth but doesn't bite? A comb!
Something intangible can't be touched physically, but most of the time it is understandable or even felt in the heart. Sadness can't be picked up and thrown in the garbage can because it is intangible, but you can throw away the tissues wet with tears.
The answer to this riddle is a shoe. This is actually part of a larger riddle the complete riddle is as follows, “what has a tongue but cannot talk gets around a lot but cannot walk”. The Tongue being referred to is the flap part of the shoe that protects the foot from the laces causing any abrasions.
A silent guitar is a type of guitar with a solid or chambered body that converts the vibration of the strings into electric current using a piezoelectric pickup. The body of the guitar does not amplify the vibration of the strings into audible sound.
The humble recorder is felt by many musicians to be amongst the quietest of instruments. Like many families of instruments, the recorder comes in a variety of sizes from the large bass recorder right through to the sopranino that produces the highest range of pitches.
Mutes are commonly used on string and brass instruments, especially the trumpet and trombone, and are occasionally used on woodwinds. Their effect is mostly intended for artistic use, but they can also allow players to practice discreetly.
Riddle: What has hands and a face, but can't hold anything or smile? Answer: A clock. 3.
What has a head and a tail, but no body? - from brainfans ... Answer: A coin...
A yardstick which is used for measurement has 3 feet long but it cannot walk.
Electrons that exist in every atom of our bodies push other electrons in every atom of other bodies or things. This electron repulsion ensures that we never touch anything, unless it punctures our body.
There are many things we feel inside; things we see, things we watch, things we remember, things we think. These are all the things we cannot touch; cannot hold in our hands.
3. If "touching" is taken to mean that two atoms reside in the exact same location, then two atoms never touch at room temperature because of the Pauli exclusion principle. The Pauli exclusion principle is what keeps all the atoms in our body from collapsing into one point.
9. The alphabet goes from A to Z but I go Z to A.
What has four legs and one back but can't walk? Chair.
talks, has a head but never weeps, has a bed but. never sleeps? Answer: A River!
Religious leaders in the 19th century called the fiddle “The Devil's Instrument,” since it was often played at weddings, dances and gatherings where food, drink and merriment ensued.
The theremin: The strangest instrument ever invented? From its chance 1920s invention in Russia, the theremin beguiled Hollywood and sparked a musical revolution, writes Norman Miller. The theremin sometimes seems like an instrument from Earth's future or another world.
An echo speaks without a mouth and hears without ears. It comes alive with wind. Hence, 'An echo' is the required answer to this riddle.