Long passwords are stronger, so make your password at least 12 characters long. These tips can help you create longer passwords that are easier to remember.
Password: m#P52s@ap$V
It's strong, long, and difficult for someone else to guess. It uses more than 10 characters with letters (both uppercase and lowercase), numbers, and symbols, and includes no obvious personal information or common words.
The common standard for strong passwords is: minimum length of eight characters, at least one uppercase character, at least one lowercase character, at least one number, and at least one symbol.
The longer the password, the more computing power it takes to generate the right guess. And now finally back to password length. Why require eight characters? Hackers run algorithms that try to "brute force” their way into the right password by continuously generating random passwords.
This is why we universally recommend all privileged accounts use a minimum password length of 25 characters or greater, and regular users use passwords that are 16 characters or greater.
To strengthen the security of your online information, ensure your passwords are a random mix of at least 14 to 16 characters.
It evaluates each password based on key factors such as: Number of characters: The password should have at least eight to 10 passwords, but 16 to 20 characters is ideal. Combinations: The password should include a combination of letters, numbers, and symbols rather than a phrase.
An 8-character password that consists only of numbers or lower-case letters could be cracked instantly, and if the password contained a mix of upper- and lower-case letters it would only take around 2 minutes to correctly guess.
In this case, a 20 characters' long password made up from 70 different symbols (lower case, upper case, digits, special characters) is as strong as today's encryption keys. Which means, it is “cryptographically secure” and it doesn't make sense to go any further.
There are four types of characters you can use in passwords: lower-case letters (a, b, c, etc.) upper-case letters (A, B, C, etc.) digits (1, 2, 3, etc.)
A strong password should be at least 10 characters long. Strong passwords use a combination of letters, numbers, cases, and symbols to form an unpredictable string of characters that doesn't resemble words or names. A strong password should be unique to each account to reduce vulnerability in the event of a hack.
Include a mix of symbols, number and both upper and lower case letters. Weak passwords use short, common words. Protect your passwords from both dictionary attacks and brute-force attacks by using a range of letters, numbers and symbols.
Password should have at least one numerical digit(0-9). Password's length should be in between 8 to 15 characters. Password should have at least one lowercase letter(a-z). Password should have at least one uppercase letter(A-Z).
Cybersecurity experts recommend changing your password every three months. There may even be situations where you should change your password immediately, especially if a cybercriminal has access to your account.
Passwords vs Passphrases
According to Hive, a 7-character password that uses the wides range of characters can be cracked in just four seconds – but an 18-character password of exclusively lowercase letters takes 481,000 years to crack.
Which, remarkably, still does not mean they are secure.
They used a version of the 6.0. 0 HashCat beta, coupled to eight Nvidia GTX 2080Ti GPUs in an offline attack. "Eight character passwords are dead," Tinker proclaimed. If you have a perfectly random eight character password with upper, lower, number and symbol, it will be cracked in (on average), 1 hour and 15 minutes.
If your password comprises numbers, upper and lowercase letters and symbols, it will take a hacker 34,000 years to crack – if it's 12 characters long. According to the tool, the shorter your password, the easier it is guessed. Even if you use all the possible variations.
Start with strong passwords and enable multi-factor authentication. When it comes to passwords, longer is stronger: at least 12 characters. You could use a passphrase of random words to help you remember it — but avoid common words or phrases.
Experts recommend using longer passwords when possible. The longer a password is, the more possible permutations it has, making it harder and harder for cybercriminals to crack.
When it comes to password security, length really does matter. We recommend opting for a password that's at least 12 characters long, even longer if you can. Each additional symbol in a password exponentially increases the number of possible combinations.