“Some of the most common insecurities and relationships include emotional insecurity, attachment insecurity, physical insecurity, financial insecurity, professional insecurity, and social insecurity,” explains LaTonya P.
Not all forms fit neatly into categories either, but some of the most common types of insecurity include relationship insecurity, social insecurity, body image insecurity, job insecurity, and insecurity of basic needs.
It is not just women who go through a lot of insecurities. Similarly to them, men are also quite insecure about several things in their life. Whether it's about their body, job or relationship, they go through insecurities that they aren't able to express at times.
A person with high levels of insecurity may often experience a lack of confidence regarding many aspects of life. It may be difficult for that person to form lasting relationships or attend to daily tasks, due to a self-perception of helplessness or inadequacy.
A person who looks in the mirror and suffers to do it, is beautifully insecure. Yet, people who rarely look in the mirror and who are indifferent to their impact on others because they believe they are perfect in the relationship, may be insecure in a pathological way.
What is relationship insecurity? Relationship insecurity means you're unsure and unconfident about your relationship. It's a deep belief that you just aren't good enough for your partner, that you don't deserve love or one of many other limiting beliefs that cause you to feel anxious.
How you look is not a stable source of self-esteem. To feel great about yourself in an ongoing way, you need a more stable basis than other people's attraction and admiration. In fact, many really attractive people put so much effort into their appearance to make up for a lack of self worth.
Certainly, some men are insecure about their height and some men do turn to extremes to compensate for what they think is missing from their height. According to a new study, one of those extremes is less external and more internal. Shorter men are indirectly aggressive toward their taller counterparts.
Most men complain about their arms or chests not being muscular enough, about their beer bellies, their chubby frames and their so called man boobs. But they also seem to have issues with their baldness, their bodily hair, and the size of… almost every part of them.
A root fear: Overthinking stems from a particular insecurity or root fear. This insecurity may be from childhood, a past relationship, or general low self-esteem or trust issues.
Face/ Skin
One of the biggest insecurities people can develop throughout their lives is how one's face looks; acne, oily skin, moles, freckles or even scars are marks that can lead people to think they're unattractive and therefore feel insecure.
Insecure people feel a constant need to validate their worth through others' opinions. They try to seek others' approval over their personality or work. They look for likes, comments and compliments from people and only feel happy when others acknowledge them.
The kind of childhood you had, past traumas, recent experiences of failure or rejection, loneliness, social anxiety, negative beliefs about yourself, perfectionism, or having a critical parent or partner can all contribute to insecurity.
Body insecurity is a feeling that comes in waves. There are days when I've felt semi-comfortable with how I look, and there are days when I've felt that nothing looks right on my body or nothing is blending right on my face.
The Chapman University study analyzed reports from more than 100,000 men across five national studies and discovered that up to 40 percent of men were dissatisfied with their overall physical appearance, weight, and/or muscle tone and size.
Insecurity is a major turn off in relationships for several reasons. When someone is insecure, he or she needs constant reassurance of love and acceptance.