Pisces is the type of sign who longs to become “one” with their partner. With the highly independent Aquarius, Pisces will find themselves questioning whether their partner truly loves them or not. Gemini, on the other hand, is three signs away, which makes them toxic to Pisces, but not as severely as the other two.
Pisces's Most Toxic Match: Aries
Pisces hates being told what to do, and Aries loves nothing more than to play the leader. This could lead to a very explosive relationship as the two try to wrestle control from one another over even the smallest things. Basically, picking a restaurant will be impossible.
Geminis or Libras would be a tough combination for a Pisces. Water sign Pisces can go with the flow, so it seems as if either one of these sociable, happy signs would be a nice fit, but Pisces actually prefers peace and quiet and more privacy than a Gemini or Libra.
Pisces hate being pushed, given ultimatums and threats. Where an Aries would rise to the challenge – maybe even get excited at the prospect of a confrontation - your Pisces will withdraw. Pisces has a fragile disposition and needs lot of down time.
Capricorn, Leo and Libra are usually considered to be the enemies of Pisces due to the fact that they are money minded and, if given an option, would choose money over emotions. This is an attitude which often comes as dismay to Pisces.
Pisces natives make a proper bonding with water signs like Cancer and Scorpio. Apart from that, they form match-making pairs with Capricorn, Taurus, and Virgo signs. They are introverted when it comes to their friends, but once they have their inner friend circle, they become honest, loyal, and selfless.
Thought Catalog notes, "They are selfless and during an argument will always be attempting to understand the other person's point of view." Part of the reason why Pisces is so quick to avoid fighting is that the sign is one of the most emotional in the entire zodiac.
Pisces can find their soulmate in these three zodiacs, including Taurus, Virgo, and Cancer. Pisces and Taurus value love. They are both believers of a long-lasting relationship and work hard to keep it. Both of their values are the same, so their shared values can be their strong point.
Pisces are extremely empathic and sensitive to other people's feelings. Pisces are noted for their generosity and for putting others' interests ahead of their own. Although being so in connection with their instincts might help Pisces relate to others, it can also cause them to be overly sensitive and gloomy.
It goes without saying that if a lover puts them down or ignores them, they will feel as if they're being rejected, and even if the hurt was unintentional, a Pisces is likely to distance themselves for a while; however, if they feel betrayed and lied to, they'll be devastated.
Be careful introducing your new boo to a Pisces—this water sign is known for being jealous of other people's love lives. Pisces want to be constantly comforted and feel loved, and they get super antsy when you start to talk about a budding relationship or new hookup.
Generally, the most compatible signs for Pisces friendships and romantic relationships are fellow water signs (Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio), as they speak that same flowy emotional language, and earth signs (Virgo, Capricorn, Taurus) because they're so grounded.
It is often said that a person who falls for Pisces, gets the best companion for life. People who fall under this sign tend to be dramatic, loyal, respectful, sensitive, and emotional by nature.
Pisces: fear of not being loved
You are the sensitive empath of the zodiac, Pisces. In turn, you want nothing more than to love and be loved by someone else—and your biggest fear is not finding that love. This fear is only deepened by the emotionally closed-off sign of Aquarius in your 12th house, says Marmanides.
Clinginess is a common Pisces red flag as they crave stability and security in their relationships. Pisces tend to be ruled by their emotions, which can make them highly sensitive and possessive of you. As a result, they may exhibit clingy behavior, seeking constant reassurance and attention from their loved ones.
The most serious warning signs include any form of violence, abuse or harassment, which should be dealt with immediately. But in many cases, the indicators of a toxic relationship are much more subtle. The first, and simplest, is persistent unhappiness, Glass says.
Since they are super emotional, Pisces often cry more easily than other signs. They typically cry because they find it difficult to regulate their feelings. They are so sensitive to impulses that they can even cry when they witness someone else sobbing. Emotion and feeling are infectious to Pisces.
All in all, Pisces in love is passionate and intense. A relationship with them is a roller-coaster ride that will make you feel a range of emotions and help you emerge as a better and more honest person. However, Pisces wants their partner to grow and demands that they bring their very best self to the relationship.
Capricorn, Cancer, Leo, and Taurus are believed to be the most romantically suitable signs for Pisces. Gemini and Sagittarius are the signs they are least compatible with.
A Pisces native loves the idea of fairytale romance and the concept of soulmates. They spend their whole life dreaming about a soulmate. The romantic Piscean will find their perfect match at 19 years old.
Pisces men prefer women with soft, delicate features. A Pisces man may favour ladies with a smooth jawline, large lips, or other usually feminine physical traits. Wide hips or thighs may also capture the attention of a Pisces man.
Pisces enjoy their time alone and often tend to disconnect even when in a crowd.
They are lovers, not fighters, through and through. Inside the gentle, beautiful water sign is someone who's always open to making connections and finding romance. They'll connect with someone who sees them on a spiritual level and who feeds their soul creatively. If not, then Pisces will swim away.
Pisces loves nothing more than to wander off into their own world. They're always using their imagination, whether they're stressed or not. This skill becomes extremely useful when they need to de-stress. It is in their creativity that a Pisces can find escape and relief.