Your Discord ID is an 18-digit number that's tied to your account. Every Discord user, every message, and every server has a unique Discord ID.
For example, Koala#6578 and Koala#7788 can be two different users. As a result, the Discord tag will be in the format of "username#0001" in your user profile. The perks of using Discord tags are to allow users to search and add friends over Discord, ping inside a server, and identify other users across Discord.
Your Discord User ID is an eighteen-digit number and is not the same as your username. You can find your User ID by following the steps below: On Discord, go to Settings > Advanced. Scroll down and make sure that Developer Mode is on.
Your new username will be unique to you, so share it with your friends when you want them to connect with you.
The Application ID, also known as the Client ID, can be found in the Developer Portal in General Information. You can also find the Application ID by right-clicking on the game in your Library.
Another way of checking your Discord Account age is to check your profile, you will see that there is a date below "Member Since", this is the date that you've joined Discord, thus, you can calculate your Discord account age.
The name of the first Discord user is — drumroll please — Vind. Vind was the earliest cohort and user of Discord.
It's an 18 digit unique identifier which is the same no matter what you do. You can change your discord ID by changing your username, however it is randomized and you have to buy nitro to pick the ID.
Users may have to provide a college ID card or driver's license. Users may have to answer a set of questions to prove their age or ID. Users may have to provide links to social media to help prove their age. If this does not help in proving the user's age, the other options above may be considered.
Each User ID is unique and consists of 18 digits. Finding a Discord User ID using the iPhone app isn't difficult but requires you to enable Developer Mode first. Follow the instructions below to enable Developer Mode: Open the Discord app.
Find the Server ID in the Server Invite Link
The invite link is usually sent via email or text message. The server ID will be the last part of the link, after the ¡°/¡±. For example, if the link is ¡°¡±, then the server ID is ¡°123456789¡±.
Just go into the group or server, type their name into the search bar, and they should pop up – even if you aren't friends. There are a few exceptions. If they restrict this activity in their privacy settings, you won't see their name in the search.
Guilds in Discord represent an isolated collection of users and channels, and are often referred to as "servers" in the UI. So guilds are basically servers and guildId is a unique server identifier.
The ID she gave you is called the “tag" and is only unique among all people who have the same username. The tag allows multiple people to have the same username, but there is no truly unique ID a Discord user has that is easy to access.
Users in Discord are generally considered the base entity. Users can spawn across the entire platform, be members of guilds, participate in text and voice chat, and much more. Users are separated by a distinction of "bot" vs "normal."
Jason Citron owns Discord.
Jason Citron founded Discord in 2015, after previously having founded OpenFeint, another social gaming platform. In 2016, Discord raised $20 million in funding; this included an investment from WarnerMedia.
Why Did People Switch To Discord? The biggest reason people switched to Discord was the ability to create a server with Voice and Text at no extra cost. This was a big deal for gaming communities since TeamSpeak generally required you to rent a server and text chat wasn't great on it.
The reason discord doesn't allow under 13s is because it's illegal to store data on under 13s, if you made your account when you were under 13 then discord is storing your data from then, so yes, you can be banned as they legally have to delete your account. Unfortunately, they cannot do it due to the 13 year old rule.