Bogan. (Noun) An uncouth or uncultured person, usually. See also: feral, ratbag, reptile, bevan etc.
First appeared in Australia in the 1980s. Possibly in reference to supposedly unsophisticated people from remote outback places such as the Bogan River or Bogan Gate (cf. dubbo from Dubbo).
Bogan is the most significant word to be created in Australian English in the past 40 years. It is defined as "an uncultured and unsophisticated person; a boorish and uncouth person" in the 2016 edition of the Australian National Dictionary.
The common traits that suggest you have 'bogan' tendencies
You know you're an Aussie when: You swear at flies and tell them to 'F**k off'. Giving the 'STOP SLOW' roadworker a thumbs up as you drive past. Saying 'F**king oath' instead of a simple yes.
Bogan: “A lower class inhabitant, usually of South-Eastern Australia. Generally 'dim-witted', Bogans are well know for having poor and vulgar language and typically found in rural areas or outer, lower class, suburbs.”
Tasmania was named the 'bogan capital of Australia' with Taswegians earning four spots in the final. On the island of Tasmania, half the population has literacy and/or numeracy difficulties, and the unemployment rate is higher than it is in mainland Australia.
A person described as a bogan may refuse to conform to middle-class standards of taste, dietary habits, leisure activities, styles of dress and ways of speaking, and might be looked down upon by some groups due to preconceived perceptions and biases which can often exacerbate the hardships faced by disadvantaged people ...
Typical bogan trouser attire usually includes a good pair of tracksuit pants, and for added realness, wear a pair that have holes at the knees! You can also get a similar effect with an old pair of jeans with worn out knees. If it's warm, swap them out for a pair of cutoff trackies or jeans.
Historians and etymologists are still unsure as to precisely where the term bogan originated. Some research suggests the term originated from specific areas around Melbourne's western suburbs during the 1980s. Others believe it comes from communities living near the Bogan River in rural NSW.
Noun. eshay (plural eshays) (Australia, slang) A member of an Australian youth subculture favouring sportswear and electronic dance music, and commonly associated with criminal activity. (Australia, slang) A delinquent teenager; a chav.
In British English there is the word yokel which has much the same pejorative overtones. yokel noun. an uneducated and unsophisticated person from the countryside.
The dictionary described bogan as being an Australian and New Zealand informal word, meaning: "A boringly conventional or old-fashioned person," or "an uncouth or uncultured person".
The term "bogan" for people originated probably in Melbourne around 1980, and is now understood in most parts of Australia. Bogans have also been rebadged in various parts of Australia.
So-called "outlaw" bikie gangs have had a very visible presence in many places throughout Australia since the 1950s, and several laws have been specifically prompted by their actions.
dag. An unfashionable person; a person lacking style or character; a socially awkward adolescent, a 'nerd'. These senses of dag derive from an earlier Australian sense of dag meaning 'a "character", someone eccentric but entertainingly so'.
It is considered impolite to ask a direct question about a person's salary or wealth. Inquiring about someone's weight or age is also highly inappropriate in many situations. Spitting in public is rude. If there is a line for something, always queue and wait for your turn.
slang, Australia. : unquestionably good or genuine : excellent. often used as a general expression of approval.
Upper Middle Bogan is an Australian television comedy program created by Robyn Butler and Wayne Hope.
Hundreds in the Bali Bogans Facebook group discussed what they love best about Bali - with the low prices, the friendliness of Balinese people and their 'back to basics commonsense' at the top of the list. Stunning beaches, cheap food and accommodation are also a big part of the appeal.
The worst performing states are Tasmania, with incomes 26% below the national income and wealth average, as well as South Australia which is 19% below the average household income and 20% below the national net wealth.
Melbourne is considered by some to be the best city to live in Australia, and has even been ranked as the world's most livable city more than once. It's home to a thriving live music scene, late-night bars and laneways dotted with cafés and coffee shops.