Canon Love is love of the canon. It is produced by honoring the canon, through general enjoyment and love of it, and writing goodfic.
Canon law records the number of steps back to two relatives' common ancestor. For example, your first cousin is two steps to the ancestor you two share (your grandparent)—so the canon number is 2. Civil relationships give the total number of steps from one relative to the other.
In pop culture, the word canon refers to the aspects of a story or fictional “world” or “universe” that are considered to be “official”—meaning they have been confirmed within the story or in some other way (for example, an author or director might confirm something to be canon in an interview or in bonus material).
"Canon" in fictional stories typically refers to material related to the story that is considered "official", either by the story creator(s) or the audience. The flipside is something being non-canon: this happens when something is created for a series that ends up being not official.
In fiction, a canon is material accepted as being authentically produced by an author or an ascribed author.
The term has also come to refer to the accepted material within an author's fictional universe. For example, The Silmarillion, which was published after J.R.R. Tolkien's death but is still considered a part of his literary canon.
A canon is a member of the chapter of (for the most part) priests, headed by a dean, which is responsible for administering a cathedral or certain other churches that are styled collegiate churches.
biblical literature
The term canon, from a Hebrew-Greek word meaning “cane” or “measuring rod,” passed into Christian usage to mean “norm” or “rule of faith.” The Church Fathers of the 4th century ce first employed it in reference to the definitive,…
Additional types include the spiral canon, accompanied canon, and double or triple canon. A double canon is a canon with two simultaneous themes; a triple canon has three.
non-canon (not comparable) (fandom slang) Not part of canon; outside of the main continuity of a fictional universe.
He had to read a canon of accepted literary texts. The very first canon of nursing is to keep the air inside as fresh as the air outside.
In modern literature, canon can describe all works of fiction that are officially said to create a fictional world. For example, most movies, novels, and comics that take place in the Star Wars universe are considered canon. They follow the official timeline and the established constraints of the universe.
Canon (in the context of fandom) is a source, or sources, considered authoritative by the fannish community. In other words, canon is what fans agree "actually" happened in a film, television show, novel, comic book, or concert tour. Specific sources considered canon may vary even within a specific fandom.
: not relating to, part of, or sanctioned by a canon : not canonical. noncanonical literary works.
L=Loss. O=Of. V=Valuable. E=Energy. so LOVE stands for Loss of valuable energy .
canon, musical form and compositional technique, based on the principle of strict imitation, in which an initial melody is imitated at a specified time interval by one or more parts, either at the unison (i.e., the same pitch) or at some other pitch.
Cannon, with two n's, is a long heavy gun on wheels. Lose an n and the word canon is a set of rules or traditions. If you thought these words were spelled the same, you're not wrong: they used to be. A tip to remember the difference: a cannon has an extra n as ammunition.
Canon of beauty. A rule of mathematical, harmonious, and propertional relationships of the human body that are supposedly pleasing to the eye.
Age is one of the elements, along with mental condition, residence, legal relationship, and rite, which qualify the status of a "person." It is the intent of the Roman Catholic Church in its 1983 Code of Canon Law to harmonize the provisions of ecclesiastical law with those of civil law regarding age.
"Canon" refers to bodies of information and theories that are generally accepted as facts and truth.
canon [kah noh(n)]
: gorgeous. There are other senses of the word.. for today we'll focus on the one above. elle/il est canon = she/he's gorgeous.
A platonic relationship is a type of friendship that involves a close, intimate bond without sex or romance.
Though there is no definition for "Semi-Canon" But Semi-Canon are just ships that are "Half Canon". Meaning, while it's hinted or acknowledged in its own source material, it doesn't make it official. (i.e., character A has one-sided feelings for Character B).