Double-pumping is exactly what it sounds like: using a breast pump that allows you to express milk from both breasts at the same time.
During feeding or pumping, the fat content of the milk increases steadily. Because double pumping results in an extra let down and 18% more milk, the breasts are drained more completely. So the higher fat content is simply a sign that the breasts are well emptied during double pumping, more so than single pumping.
Should I single or double pump? Using a pump that can express milk from both breasts at the same time will save the most time. It may take about 15 minutes to pump both breasts instead of 30 minutes or more to pump each breast separately. Double pumping also provides very strong stimulation to keep a good milk supply.
Double pump (pump both breasts at once); this saves time and may boost production more quickly. Pump at least 10-20 minutes, until your milk comes in on Day 3 or 4. Then, hand express any remaining milk. Remove and place the breast flange under your breast to collect the milk you hand express.
A single or double breast pump? A single electric breast pump is ideal for expressing from time to time. A double breast pump (which draws milk from both your breasts simultaneously) is more convenient for expressing regularly – whether for medical reasons or because you've returned to work.
How Long to Pump at Each Session. At each session, you should pump for at least 15 minutes on each side. It can take a few minutes for your milk to begin to let down, so give yourself enough time. Also, try to empty your breasts fully at each pumping session.
Your breast pump can pump both breasts at the same time, or just one side. The tubing must be set up differently to have proper suction when pumping one breast. To pump one breast, remove one of tube from the tubing adapter.
Can pumping decrease milk supply? Pumping itself does not decrease your breast milk supply. In fact, it can help boost it. But if you are having trouble with low milk supply, the first step is to check that you are using the right breast pump.
Ultimately, if your baby has reached its birth weight and you're pumping enough milk during the day, it's okay to sleep eight hours without pumping at night. Keep in mind there is an adjustment period for your body as it begins to acclimate to the decrease in overnight milk removal.
Pumping every two hours throughout the day should also help to increase your milk supply. It is recommended to pump at least every three hours during the day. What is this? If you are exclusively pumping, you should pump as frequently as your newborn feeds throughout the day in order to establish a full milk supply.
If you can elicit a second letdown, you can increase your output and supply. On most pumps, the initial letdown cycle lasts two minutes. Pump for 6-7 minutes after that and then push the button to go through the letdown cycle again and pump for another 6-7 minutes.
Healthy infants who breastfeed effectively are often thought to be more efficient than the expression of milk either by hand or with an electric breast pump. Breastfed infants have been shown to remove 50% of the total volume of milk removed at a breastfeed in the first 2 min and 80% in 4 min [31].
You can stop pumping every three hours when your baby is around 3 months old. As they grow, they will take more at each feeding, but go longer between feedings. As long as your milk supply is plentiful, you may be able to go longer between pumping sessions, as well.
Try shortening your pump times by a few minutes at a time and, after giving your body a few days to adjust, progressively eliminating another minute or two from each session until there is no longer any milk to pump. Steadily lengthen the amount of time between your pumping sessions.
If you're exclusively pumping your breast milk for your baby, double pumping (pumping on both sides at once) will yield more milk and decrease the amount of time you spend pumping. Even if you're not getting the yield you want at first, don't be discouraged.
Hormonal changes.
When your period returns, your milk supply may diminish during some parts of your cycle. (If you're exclusively breastfeeding, you usually won't have a period for 3 to 6 months after birth or longer.) If you're breastfeeding while pregnant, you may see a temporary dip in milk supply around 4 months.
Some moms notice the morning milk has more volume and lower fat content, while the evening milk may have more fat but be lower in volume. By pooling your breast milk, you ensure baby receives nourishment that is more uniform and consistent.
You're not getting let down. If your breasts feel like they're full but you're not able to get the milk flowing out when you pump, it could be that you're not achieving let down. The let down reflex releases your milk from the milk ducts. This only occurs when you're either breastfeeding or pumping.
Despite views to the contrary, breasts are never truly empty. Milk is actually produced nonstop—before, during, and after feedings—so there's no need to wait between feedings for your breasts to refill.
Why is this? The concern behind this advice is that pumping too much might cause oversupply in a nursing mother. For women who are nursing, having a large oversupply can cause problems with overactive letdown and foremilk/hindmilk imbalance.
What is this? Sometimes milk will continue flowing or dripping the entire time you are pumping. This is because when breastfeeding, your body is continuously producing milk. If this happens, watch until you have had two or three letdowns and the speed of the drips slows down dramatically.
Hand expression can also be used as a technique during and after pumping to increase caloric content2 and remove more milk. It can be more reliable than a pump when electricity is scarce. It's quieter than a pump when privacy is needed. It's certainly less expensive than a pump.
Although most people prefer to pump both breasts at the same time (sometimes called "double pumping"), a hospital-grade pump can also be used on one breast at a time. The amount of time it takes to empty both breasts can vary but is generally approximately 10 to 15 minutes after "let-down" (see 'Let-down' below).