Fatigue (feeling very tired) is one of the most common symptoms in the last days of life. A patient's fatigue may become worse every day during this time. Drowsiness, weakness, and sleep problems may occur. Drugs that increase brain activity, alertness, and energy may be helpful.
Complementary therapies, such as massage and aromatherapy, may help you feel better. It may help the people close to you if they know you're looking after yourself. There may be things that you can do together. Accept offers of help from friends and family, and give specific examples of support you need and would like.
Confusion and hallucinations
If you become confused, you may not recognise where you are or the people you're with. Some people may be restless or seem to be in distress. For example, they may want to move about, even though they are not able to get out of bed, or they may shout or lash out.
How Long Does the Active Stage of Dying Last? The active stage of dying generally only lasts for about 3 days. The active stage is preceded by an approximately 3-week period of the pre-active dying stage.
Periods of rapid breathing, and no breathing for brief periods of time, coughing or noisy breaths, or increasingly shallow respirations, especially in final hours or days of life.
You can hold your loved one's hand or offer very gentle massage as long as that seems to be soothing to her. In the last few hours of life it is sometimes better to stop touching the patient so that she can keep her awareness on the dying process rather than on the physical realm she is trying to leave behind.
Fatigue is the most common symptom at the end of life, but little is known about its pathophysiology and specific treatment. Education of the patient and family is the foundation of treatment, with the possible use of adjunctive psychostimulants.
As the body naturally shuts down, the person with cancer will often need and want less food. The loss of appetite is caused by the body's need to conserve energy and its decreasing ability to use food and fluids properly. Patients should be allowed to choose whether and when to eat or drink.
People with cancer often have pain, and often fear it will get worse. Cancer pain is considered to be chronic pain because it usually lasts longer than pain caused by other problems. Pain can make you feel irritable, sleep poorly, decrease your appetite, and decrease your concentration, among many other things.
Palliative care is available when you first learn you have a life-limiting (terminal) illness. You might be able to receive palliative care while you are still receiving other therapies to treat your condition. End of life care is a form of palliative care you receive when you're close to the end of life.
Palliative care can be helpful at any stage of illness and is best provided soon after a person is diagnosed. In addition to improving quality of life and helping with symptoms, palliative care can help patients understand their choices for medical treatment.
Palliative care can last for a short duration, comprised of a number of days or weeks, but this can also go on for a number of years – the duration is based upon the individual and their needs. FACT: Palliative care can be given in different settings, such as your home, in hospital, in a care home or hospice.
Visual or auditory hallucinations are often part of the dying experience. The appearance of family members or loved ones who have died is common. These visions are considered normal. The dying may turn their focus to “another world” and talk to people or see things that others do not see.
You can simply sit with them, perhaps holding hands. Hearing is said to be the last sense to go, so you may want to talk, read aloud, sing or play music. Your cultural or spiritual traditions may require someone to be present, and this may also be the time to perform any rituals.
For friends and family: what you can do
It might be reassuring for the person if you speak calmly to them and hold or stroke their hand gently. Even if someone is unconscious, they may still be able to hear or feel you. If you are worried that they are distressed or in pain, speak to their doctor or nurse.
“Avoid clichés or platitudes,” notes psychiatrist and author Dr. Marcia Sirota. “Saying things like, 'Everything happens for a reason,' and, 'It's God's will,' can make the person feel like their illness is their fault.” Remarks like “You're strong” and “You'll get through this” are equally problematic.
There are three main stages of dying: the early stage, the middle stage, and the last stage. These are marked by various changes in responsiveness and functioning. However, it is important to keep mind that the timing of each stage and the symptoms experienced can vary from person to person.
Your hospice team's goal is to help prepare you for some of the things that might occur close to the time of death of your loved one. We can never predict exactly when a terminally ill person will die. But we know when the time is getting close, by a combination of signs and symptoms.
You may start palliative care at any stage of your illness, even as soon as you receive a diagnosis and begin treatment. You don't have to wait until your disease has reached an advanced stage or when you're in the final months of life. In fact, the earlier you start palliative care, the better.
Palliative care coverage can extend for as long as you need hospice care. Qualification requires having a life expectancy of six months or less. If the beneficiary is still alive after six months, hospice and palliative care coverage may continue if the patient is re-certified as terminally ill.
The majority of the time, unless it is a emergency, hospice nurses do not stay overnight. It is one of the main goals of hospice care to minimize pain and symptoms while increasing comfort levels. Normally this is successfully achieved by the nurses visiting periodically on a weekly basis.