Hoovering is a manipulation tactic used to “suck” victims back into toxic relationship cycles. Someone who hoovers fears that their target will “get away” from them, so they may engage in love bombing, feigning crises, stalking, or smear campaigns in order to suck up all their target's time, energy, and attention.
They will use hoovering to manipulate you back into a relationship. For example, they may promise to change, threaten you with self-harm or suicide, or proclaim their love for you (even though they have struggled to show their feelings before).
Coined after the Hoover vacuum, hoovering is a calculating scheme commonly used by narcissists to "suck" you up into their orbit and get you back into their life. It's an energetically draining dynamic that perpetuates a toxic pattern of idealization, devaluation, and discardment.
Hoovering is caused by a narcissist's insecure need for power, control, validation, admiration, and reassurance. A narcissist uses hoovering to reassure their fragile sense of self, suppress their negative emotions, and fulfill their insecure needs.
Some of the biggest signs of hoovering are threats of self-harm. A manipulative ex will attempt to force you to respond by saying they're going to hurt themselves unless you answer their texts or calls. They may even threaten to kill themselves.
Scott goes on to explain that phrases like, 'Call me back or I'm going to take these pills,' 'I'm coming to your house if you don't respond to my text' and, 'I'm so upset, I really need you,' are all examples of hoovering, especially when the other person has made it clear they're trying to disengage from further ...
what happens if you find yourself caught in a relationship with a narcissist? There are four distinct phases that these types of relationships typically go through: idealization, devaluation, discard, and hoover.
In this case, you might expect examples of narcissist text messages such as “I'm in the hospital, but I'm ok now,” “I can't feel my arm, but I don't think I should worry, should I?”, “I've had some bad news, but there's nothing you can do about it.”
If you first try ignoring them, they will probably doubt your endurance and ability to stay strong. They will engage a combination of hoovering tactics- sweet talking, gaslighting, reaching out to others- all to get you back into their orbit.
Hoovering is a Power-Play for Narcissists
They lack empathy and the ability to see you as a separate human being. Rather than wanting a relationship for sentimental reasons, they're out for themselves, looking for access to resources, such as sex, money, information, status, or love.
He will Hoover until he has what he wants. He may take a break for a couple days and then it's right back at it with full force. The longest he worked at hoovering me was 2 1/2 months with tiny breaks aka other supply in between. Any amount of contact buys them more ambition more drive to keep going.
If a narcissist is interested in you, you might notice that they shower you with admiration and attention shortly after you meet them. They might be quick to say “I love you,” put you on a pedestal, and make grand romantic gestures.
One effective way that a narcissist can draw someone back into their realm is to say, “I love you.” If you're especially important to a narcissist, they'll say and do just about anything to get you back, including using those powerful three words.
A monumental weakness in the narcissist is the failure to look internally and flesh out what needs to be worked on. Then, of course, the next step is to spend time improving. The narcissist sabotages any possibility of looking deep within.
At the end of a relationship, narcissists may become combative, passive-aggressive, hostile, and even more controlling. People with NPD often fail to understand other people's needs and values. They are hyper focused on their egos, but do not account for how their actions affect others.
They will have a violent, excessive, and disorderly reaction to the rejection. In a nutshell, they want and will try to create a scene. Simply put, narcissists hate being ignored. They probably want to make you feel ashamed, regretful, and rattled.
The narcissistic abandonment cycle is as follows: Feels shame. It begins with the narcissist feeling shame. It could be shame about childhood abuse, the socioeconomic state of their family, an embarrassing moment, or being exposed as a failure, incompetent, unintelligent, or a fraud.
Here are some narcissism red flags to look out for: Lacking empathy. They seem unable or unwilling to have empathy for others, and they appear to have no desire for emotional intimacy. Unrealistic sense of entitlement.
Overview. Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental health condition in which people have an unreasonably high sense of their own importance. They need and seek too much attention and want people to admire them. People with this disorder may lack the ability to understand or care about the feelings of others.
The vulnerable narcissist, then, seems to be the one to be wary of in order to prevent being “hoovered.” This is the person who will not exhibit as much outward aggression, and, as a result, you may be more easily brought back into their sphere when you're tempted to leave.
The period of calm after an abusive event is called the honeymoon phase. For the narcissist, the release of emotional energy during a rant is therapeutic. Sometimes, they are even completely unaware of what they have said.
Some of the most common weird things covert narcissists do to manipulate their victims include: hoovering, gaslighting, guilt-tripping, love bombing etc. This post will help you understand the covert narcissist better.