Yakult's exclusive Probiotic strain is known as LcS (Lactobacillus casei strain Shirota) LcS is a unique probiotic bacteria that has been scientifically proven to reach the intestine live to help build immunity and help improve digestion. It is backed by more than 100 human studies that validate its health benefits.
Probiotics help replenish the population of bacteria in your gut, and Yakult does a good job of that. Yakult has 6.5 billion LCS bacteria per bottle! It does a wonderful job at keeping your gut microbiome healthy and populous.
Summing Up On Yakult Benefits
It works wonders in preventing constipation, maintaining good gut health, reducing the chances of upper-respiratory-tract infections, reducing anxiety and stress and overall improving your health, so on and so forth. Furthermore, it also helps improve your skin.
Some good food sources of Lactobacillus casei Shirota include yogurt, cheese, and the fermented milk drink Yakult. Bifidobacteria longum 1714 is in goat-based dairy products, kefir, miso soup, and seaweed. Tempeh, miso, and sauerkraut are natural food sources containing Lactobacillus acidophilus Rosell-52.
For adults, drinking one or two bottles every day, is recommended. For children, one bottle a day is recommended. For infants over the age of 8 months and toddlers, one bottle a day is recommended.
How often should I drink Yakult? It is recommended that you drink a bottle of Yakult daily. Daily intake of Probiotics in the diet, helps you to remain healthy by replenishing the good bacteria in the gut.
Yakult keeps the digestive system clean by breaking down food, ensuring regular bowel movements, reducing the chances of constipation, and helping to keep the digestive system healthy.
The primary difference is that Yakult contains a different probiotic strain than yogurt, that is acid-resistant and is therefore still alive once it reaches the intestines, where it is able to confer its health benefits. And not all brands of yogurt contain live and active probiotic cultures.
What is the difference between the red and the blue bottles? Both have the same flavour and quantity of bacteria. Yakult Light (the blue pack) contains the sweeteners malitol syrup and sucralose, so has less sugar and fewer calories than the original Yakult (the red pack).
Depending on how sensitive you are, many people feel a difference after a few days. More fundamental effects of the probiotics such as improvements to mood, weight loss or a reduction in inflammation of your gut barrier might set in after 4-8 weeks.
Yakult is a probiotic drink which should be consumed. everyday as part of your daily diet. Yakult can be enjoyed at any time of the day.
A healthy gut is related to a healthy mind. Yakult contains probiotics that kill harmful bacteria in the gut and helps improve your mental health by reducing anxiety and stress.
Yakult's unique probiotics Lactobacillus casei strain Shirota (LcS) in Yakult helps to build immunity by increasing the activity of Natural Killer (NK) cells which are our natural immune cells, and by increasing the secretion of IgA antibody.
Depending on where you look, Yakult provides a range of health benefits. From boosting the immune system, to easing IBS symptoms. The research appears to weigh in favour of the asserted benefits, certainly more so than some other alternative treatments.
How many bottles of Yakult can I consume a day? Consuming one bottle a day is enough to enjoy the benefits of Yakult as it contains more than 10 billion of the unique probiotic, L. paracasei strain Shirota. Drinking more than one bottle of Yakult a day is also fine, as it will cause no harm.
Yakult or Multibionta are good options. 3. Identify trigger foods Keep a diary of what food or drink triggers the bloat and try to avoid it. Fizzy drinks, acidic foods, spicy foods and caffeine are common culprits.
Yakult can be taken anytime of the day. Same effects can be expected from drinking LcS irrespective of when it is taken. Studies made by Yakult Central Institute showed no significant difference was seen 30 minutes before and after meals.
Researchers at the Yakult Central Institute conducted a study on 40 healthy individuals who had irregular bowel movements. They found that consumption of a fermented milk drink containing the probiotic LcS, increased the number of weekly bowel movements and helped soften stool, making them easier to pass.
Yakult must be refrigerated below 10°C. It should not be frozen or left outside the refrigerator for long.
According to data from Yakult's companies in Malaysia and Australia, the cultured milk drink only comes in small bottles to avoid contamination. In other countries, Yakult is sold in 65-ml and 100-ml bottles.
Taking them on an empty stomach helps the probiotics reach your intestines faster, but the Lactobacillus casei strain Shirota was scientifically proven to withstand gastric acidity, therefore allowing it to be taken during any time of the day while having any meal.
Yakult is suitable for people with diabetes when consumed as part of a balanced diet. Each bottle of Yakult Original (red top) contains 8.8g of sugar, whilst Yakult Light (blue top) contains 2.9g of sugar. This should be considered within your total carbohydrate intake.