If translated into numbers, platinum—for all of its known deposits—is considerably more rare than gold and is the rarest metal of all.
Platinum traditionally traded at a higher price than gold and combined with platinum's rarity compared with gold, “platinum” as an adjective has come to be associated with a higher level of prestige than gold. Despite platinum's troubles and gold now trading above it, that reputation has stayed.
Platinum is both rarer and more expensive than gold. It does not oxidize at any temperature, it's a good conductor of electricity and it is both malleable and ductile.
Strength. Platinum is roughly 60% more dense than gold. This is the reason why the same design in Platinum will be heavier than gold. Although gold can be considered stronger in the sense of it being harder to bend, the density of Platinum and its unlikelihood of wearing away from daily wear gives it the advantage.
The rarest stable metal is tantalum. The rarest metal on earth is actually francium, but because this unstable element has a half life of a mere 22 minutes, it has no practical use.
If translated into numbers, platinum—for all of its known deposits—is considerably more rare than gold and is the rarest metal of all.
While many people invest in Gold or Silver, one Precious Metal that is often overlooked is Platinum. Platinum is much rarer than both Gold and Silver — so rare, in fact, that all of the Platinum ever mined could potentially fit into your home.
The average concentration of gold in Earth's crust is 'very, very low,' at 4 parts per billion. In its elemental form, gold is significantly rarer than diamonds.
However, silver does have much more industrial and commercial use than gold. Approximately half of all silver bought and sold on the market is used commercially, with applications ranging from dentistry to electronics. (This is still quite small compared to other metals, which are almost entirely used for production.)
Much more expensive than gold, diamond is the undisputed star among precious stones, it is the brightest, the strongest, the purest. Made of pure or almost pure carbon, diamond is the favorite jewelry stone of all women. Timeless, if its setting can go out of fashion, the diamond will never change.
Over gold, platinum has earned its rank for a number of reasons. For starters, gold is far more abundant in the earth's crust, making platinum rarer. Whilst 1,500 tons of gold are mined annually, only 160 tons of platinum are extracted. Platinum is also denser than gold, thus heavier.
"Platinum and Palladium Are 30 Times Rarer Than Gold."
Gold is rare throughout the Universe because it's a relatively hefty atom, consisting of 79 protons and 118 neutrons. That makes it hard to produce, even in the incredible heat and pressure of the 'chemical forges' of supernovae, the deaths of giant stars responsible for creating most chemical elements.
The word of God is more precious than gold because it is even rarer.
Pure gold is notated as 24K – this is the highest karat level for gold meaning it is 100% pure gold. 18K gold is 75% purity level, 14K is 58.3% purity level, and 10K is 41.7% purity level. As you can see, the higher the karat number, the more pure gold comprises the metal.
Most health plans offered through your state's Marketplace are labeled with a metal tier: Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum.
silver: Volatility. Silver tends to be more stable, in part because it tends to rise with economic growth while also being a safe haven asset in tougher times, says Agrawal.
Weapons-grade enriched uranium, of which uranium-235 comprises at least 93%, , is much cheaper, though twice as expensive as gold – around 100,000$ per kilogram.
Painite : Not just the rarest gemstone, but also the rarest mineral on earth, Painite holds the Guinness World Record for it. After its discovery in the year 1951, there existed only 2 specimens of Painite for the next many decades. By the year 2004, there were less than 2 dozens known gemstones.
Blue diamonds are considered extremely rare and quite valuable. They are among the rarest colors in the color diamond family. Since blue diamonds are so unique, there are many questions that are frequently asked regarding their rarity, authenticity, color origin, and value.
Rare. The abundance of tungsten in the Earth's crust is thought to be about 1.5 parts per million. Tungsten or Wolfram is considered to be one of the more rare elements.
Palladium is estimated to be about 15 times rarer than platinum, making it significantly more expensive per ounce. In fact, palladium is currently the most expensive among the four major precious metals (platinum, gold, and silver).
According to Fedortchouk, the average concentration of gold in Earth's crust is "very, very low," at 4 parts per billion.