A reason code is a predefined set of categories or codes used to classify and track the reasons why certain events or transactions occur in a business. These codes are used to identify and understand the underlying causes of business processes, events, or outcomes.
Reason Code 145: Information from another provider was not provided or was insufficient/incomplete.
Exit Code 139 means that the container received a SIGSEGV signal from the operating system. This indicates a segmentation error – a memory violation, caused by a container trying to access a memory location to which it does not have access.
147 Provider contracted/negotiated rate expired or not on file. 148 Information from another provider was not provided or was insufficient/incomplete. At least one Remark Code must be provided (may be comprised of either the NCPDP Reject Reason Code, or Remittance Advice Remark Code that is not an ALERT.)
Description. The request was rejected because of technical reasons. In most cases, this is caused by invalid input data. A corrected request may be sent with a new transaction-id.
148 Claim/service rejected at this time because information from another provider was not provided or was insufficient/incomplete.
What does the CO-119 denial code mean? The Medicare beneficiary has reached the maximum allowable benefit for physical therapy services.
What is Visa chargeback reason code 80? Visa chargeback reason code 80 falls under the “Point-of-Interaction Error” category. The shorthand description is “Incorrect Transaction Amount or Account Number.” This code indicates that a transaction was processed for the wrong amount or using the wrong account number.
A 137 code is issued when a process is terminated externally because of its memory consumption. The operating system's out of memory manager (OOM) intervenes to stop the program before it destabilizes the host. As this example returned 137 , you know that demo-binary was stopped because it used too much memory.
Payment adjusted because the payer deems the information submitted does not support this many/frequency of services. This decision was based on a Local Coverage Determination (LCD).
A result code 114 is commonly a bank decline, and will reflect on the PayPal reports as a declined payment. The bank may hold the funds until further review.
Professional attendance (not being a service to which another item in this Category applies) on a patient in imminent danger of death.
Visa chargeback reason code 30 falls under the “Consumer Disputes” category. The shorthand description is “Services Not Provided or Merchandise Not Received.” This reason code means that the cardholder is claiming that the merchant never provided the goods or services that they paid for.
CO 31 – Claim denied as patient cannot be identified as our insured. The most frequent reason for this is that either the patient's name or the Medicare number has been entered incorrectly. Employees entering patient data must understand the importance of entering the name exactly as it is on the Medicare card.
Visa chargeback reason code 81 falls under the “Fraud” category. The shorthand description is “Fraud—Card-Present Environment.” This reason code is used when a cardholder is claiming that they neither authorized nor participated in a card-present transaction and that it, therefore, must be fraudulent.
You can receive this error for the following reasons: Account information is incomplete or incorrect at the processor. The card type being used isn't set up with the processor. Your merchant bank has blocked your account.
A: This denial reason code is received when a procedure code is billed with an incompatible diagnosis for payment purposes, and the ICD-10 code(s) submitted is/are not covered under an LCD or NCD. • Medicare contractors develop an LCD when there is no NCD or when there is a need to further define an NCD. •
Reason Code 60: Illegible Fulfillment
This code designates chargebacks resulting when the card issuer requested and received a copy of a sales receipt, but the account number and / or transaction amount is illegible.
1 – Denial Code CO 11 – Diagnosis Inconsistent with Procedure. It's not uncommon to see a denial that says the diagnosis coded was inconsistent with the procedure that was coded in the claim.
A: The denial was received because the service billed is statutorily excluded from coverage under the Medicare program. Payment cannot be made for the service under Part A or Part B. Review the service billed to ensure the correct code was submitted.
PR 31 specifically means that the patient isn't found as a member of the insurance company in question. Whether this means the insurance number isn't submitted correctly or the patient information did not get entered correctly, credentials are not adding up.
Code. Description. Reason Code: 13. The date of death precedes the date of service.
Merchants who receive a chargeback for a transaction placed with a Visa card may encounter reason code 71, which indicates an improperly authorized transaction that the cardholder does not believe they should be responsible for paying.
What is Visa chargeback reason code 75? Visa chargeback reason code 75 falls under the “Consumer Disputes” category. The shorthand description is “Transaction Not Recognized.” The use of this reason code indicates that the cardholder does not recognize the transaction as it appears on their bank statement.