Santa Claus, also known as Father Christmas, Saint Nicholas, Saint Nick, Kris Kringle, or simply Santa, is a legendary figure originating in Western Christian culture who is said to bring gifts during the late evening and overnight hours on Christmas Eve to "nice" children, and either coal or nothing to "naughty" ...
In Japan Santa is known as サンタさん、サンタクロース / Santa-san (Mr Santa) or サンタクロース / Santa-Kurosu (Santa Claus). (Another Japanese gift bringer is Hoteiosho, a Japanese god of good fortune from Buddhism. But he is NOT related to Christmas.)
Santa Claus goes by lots of names, depending on where you are in the world. In Australia and other English-speaking countries, he's usually called Father Christmas, Santa Claus, or sometimes just “Santa” for short.
Santa also has some other names too. Among them are Saint Nicholas, Kris Kringle, St. Nick, Pelznickel.
Santa is known as 'Sheng dan Lao ren' in Mandarin, which translates as 'Christmas Old Man', and he is seen as a non-religious figure who lives in a fairytale Arctic Christmas Village in China's North Pole.
The term Weihnachtsmann is a very generic German term for Father Christmas, St. Nicholas, or Santa Claus.
From the 1870's Sinter Klass became known in Britain as Santa Claus and with him came his unique gift and toy distribution system – reindeer and sleigh. Christmas Cards – The “Penny Post” was first introduced in Britain in 1840 by Rowland Hill.
Then when July finally rolls around, this is when Australians celebrate Christmas in the traditional sense since it's colder. Although we know it as Christmas in July, Australians call this second celebration Yuletide or Yulefest.
“Father Christmas” is the dominant name in the UK for the bearer of gifts at Christmas, but in Scotland, he's usually just called “Santa”.
In England, his name is Father Christmas. In France, he's known as Pere Noel. In Germany, children get presents from Christindl, the Christ Child. In Italy Babbo Natale, which means Father Christmas, is Santa.
How do you say Santa Claus in Spanish? Papá Noel is the most common term for Santa Claus.
Santa Claus, Daidí na Nollag (Daddy of Christmas), is known in Ireland as Santy or Santa. He brings presents to children in Ireland, which are opened on Christmas morning. It is traditional to leave a mince pie and a bottle / glass of Guinness for Santa along with a carrot for Rudolph.
The name the Welsh give to Father Christmas (or Santa Claus) is Siôn Corn. The name Siôn is pronounced like the name Shaun with an elongated 'aw' and corn (meaning horn or chimney pot) is pronounced much like the English word corn but with a rolled R.
Did you know that Saint Nicholas and Santa Claus are two separate people in Belgium, and both have their own feast day? Sinterklaas is the Saint Nicholas Day Celebration in Belgium and the Netherlands that dates back to the third century. The name Santa Claus comes from the English pronunciation of Sinterklaas.
In China, Christmas has not always been a publicly celebrated religious holiday. However, as China becomes more global, it has started to welcome a commercialized version of Christmas, known as "Sheng Dan Jieh" or the "Holy Birth Festival," with both religious and secular Chinese Christmas traditions.
roo – kangaroo
They had to have a dedicated slang term for kangaroos too, didn't they? After all, the kangaroos are Australia's most popular animals.
The most common verbal greeting is a simple “Hey”, “Hello”, or “Hi”. Some people may use Australian slang and say “G'day” or “G'day mate”. However, this is less common in cities. Many Australians greet by saying “Hey, how are you?”.
1. English: Santa Claus / Father Christmas. In the UK, US and Canada, “Santa Claus” or “Father Christmas” is believed to travel around the world sporting a red suit on his sleigh, pulled by reindeer.
Santa Claus is commonly referred to as “Santa” in Canada. However, in French-speaking regions such as Quebec, he is known as “Père Noël,” which means “Father Christmas.” Some Canadian do use the terms “Father Christmas” or “St. Nick”, but it's much less common.
The Tradition of Secret Santa
From the German 'Christkindl' (meaning “Christ Child”) the name Kris Kringel is also used in Australia and Great Britain to refer to a secret Santa gift exchange.
Ded Moroz or Grandfather Frost is a Russian counterpart of Santa Claus. Both bring presents and are much expected by the kids but there're a few things that make them different.
Claus was first recorded just over 150 years ago. She was the creation of James Rees in his book 1849 book “Mysteries of City Life,” which explored a variety of traditions. Rees is the first to name Mrs. Claus as well, giving her the moniker Gertrude in his stories, although pop culture has given her the name Jessica.
Nicholas (so named after Nicholas of Myra, Patron Saint of children) comes to visit the children of Switzerland. This Swiss version of Santa Claus is called Samichlaus in the German-speaking part, and Saint-Nicolas in the French.
Jultomten (The Swedish version of Father Christmas)