Tanzanite shares its birthstone of December status with 2 other blue gems, Turquoise and Zircon. This rare blue gemstone has also gained a significant position in Feng Shui, signifying purity and strength. Keeping this rare blue gemstone in a room is believed to attract calmness and peace.
Tanzanite has been attributed with qualities of good luck and prosperity, and associated with celebrations of new life and new beginnings. Tanzanite's only known source in the world is a 4km strip of land near Mount Kilimanjaro, northern Tanzania.
Tanzanite is commonly believed to facilitate a higher consciousness and stimulate intuition and perception.
It is said to help with improving communication, self-expression, and creativity. Moreover, embracing Tanzanite also boosts self-esteem and confidence. Spiritual Realm: Tanzanite is massively used in generic spiritual practices such as meditation and yoga and also in esoteric activities.
Who Should Wear Tanzanite? According to Vedic astrology, discovering this stone added to the gemstone list as a modern December birthstone in the year 2002 is known as the excellent luck bringing Keystone for the individuals born in December.
For some wearers, tanzanite may cause lethargy, which makes sense considering all the life-changing revelations you may experience. A side effect of the healing process is that tanzanite can bring up repressed feelings, emotions, and memories that the wearer might not be ready for.
Tanzanite stimulates the throat chakra, third-eye chakra, and crown chakra. It activates our psychic abilities and vibratory rate, facilitating communication with the higher spiritual dimensions. Tanzanite is a stone of transformation that can help dissolve old patterns of disease and karma.
However, everyone can wear this stone. It cannot be associated with one particular planet. It has no negative effects. This gem has not been given too much of astrological importance, but its utility can be seen in beauty and medical benefits.
Let's Get Straight to the Point
Yes, you can wear tanzanite jewelry every day (if need be) but with utmost care from your end.
When worn, pendants are much more protected than rings, so Tanzanites are fine to wear every day as a pendent. I'd still recommend removing them before sports or swimming, or showering. On a personal note, I've worn Tanzanite jewellery out on many occasions, but treat it more like event/cocktail jewellery.
Meaning & Energy
Tanzanite stimulates our throat, third eye, crown, and Etheric Chakras. Its one of the most powerful stones one can work with when it comes to connecting their mind and heart, and soul to create one being.
Good quality tanzanite has a deep royal blue or violet colour.
Since tanzanite is only available in a small part of the world and is mined almost exclusively in Tanzania, it's considered an investment stone.
Green Aventurine: This green crystal is one of the luckiest stones for attracting prosperity and financial success. It also promotes emotional balance and healing. Clear Quartz: Known as the master healer, clear quartz can amplify any intention or energy you focus on it—including attracting money and abundance.
Tanzanite's spiritual power opens the doors to unseen realms, heightening our intuition and facilitating spiritual growth. Moreover, it brings balance, serenity, and emotional healing into our lives. By embracing Tanzanite's mystical properties, we embark on a path of spiritual exploration and personal evolution.
Carat Weight - Tanzanite Prices Per Carat (Updated July 2023) Due to the worldwide pandemic a couple years ago, this caused reduced travel, prices for Tanzanite are still down about 20-30%.
Tanzanite jewelry is delicate, and rings and bracelets should not be worn in daily use. Necklaces and earrings are less susceptible to contact with any surfaces that may harm them, and so can be worn daily. Regular contact with water will dull the stone and lose its luster.
(Like many gemstones, most tanzanite is cut in Jaipur.) The reason for the ban is to attempt to spur development of local processing facilities, thereby boosting the economy and recouping profits.
Tanzanite Healing Properties
Some people also believe this blue stone can boost the immune system and balance all the chakras. It also reduces acidification and inflammation in people who have arthritis. In addition, the blue hues of the stone also enhance detoxification in the physical body.
Due to its scarcity, Tanzanite has become a widely counterfeited gem, and buyers worldwide should be careful when trying to acquire it. Luckily due to its specific properties, there are some steps you can take or features you can look out for to tell if your Tanzanite stone is authentic.
Placing a piece of Tanzanite under your pillow will help you have lucid dreams and deep, restful slumber. Tanzanite is quite a slow acting stone, so it's recommended to wear or keep it close to you for long periods of time. Wear it as jewelry and keep it close to your chakras.
From the durability point of view, sapphire is clearly the winner. Tanzanite, on the other hand, needs more care because it isn't as tough and also has the 'gemstone cleavage'.
Having said that, when viewed under a jeweler's loupe, tanzanites usually display several inclusions. For the most accurate result, hold the stone against the light and view it through a 10x jewelers loupe. If you can't find any flaws, it could mean that your stone is a fake.