Monaco may have no military, but it boasts the highest median age in the world at 55.4 years (53.7 years for males and 57.0 years for females).
The youngest country in the world is Niger, where almost 50% of the population is below the age of 15.
An age gap of 12 years is significant in Korean culture because it means that the couple is a full zodiac cycle apart.
Social relations based on age in modern-day Korea are a legacy of Confucian teachings that emphasize respect for one's elders. Younger people are expected to show respect to those who are older, according to Robert Fouser, a former professor at Seoul National University.
According to the IHME study, seniors in South Korea and Japan are able to delay the aches and complaints of aging by about ten years compared to countries near the mean—like the United States.
China's population is aging faster than almost all other countries in modern history. In 2050, the proportion of Chinese over retirement age will become 39 percent of the total population according to projections. China is rapidly aging at an earlier stage of its development than other countries.
The new middle-class population in China has the following characteristics: Age: individuals between 25 and 40 years old. City: living in third-tier cities and above.
As of January 1, 2022, the mean age of the Russian population amounted to 40.5 years old, up from 40.4 years recorded in the previous year. The average population age in the country saw a continuous increase since 1990, when it was measured at under 35 years.
There's a festive mood in Asia's youngest nation: Timor-Leste, a Southeast Asian country the size of Connecticut. On Sunday, the people of Timor-Leste will vote for their next parliament — and though the country has its challenges, its elections are ranked as some of the freest and fairest in Asia.
On the other side of the scale, the CIA estimates Monaco has the lowest birth rate in the world at 6.63 average annual births per 1,000 people per year.
Iran is the oldest country in the world founded in 3200 B.C. and has a topography characterized by numerous mountains and mountain ranges. Iran was established as a country in 3200 B.C. It lies between the Middle East and Asia, bordering prominent countries like Iraq, Turkey, Afghanistan, and Pakistan.
Vietnam in 2879 BCE: Oldest in South Asia
The first organized dynasty in Vietnam began in 2879 BCE. There have been prehistoric hominid cultures in the Vietnam region for 20,000 years. Before that, human ancestors existed in the area for 500,000 years.
Greece. Dating back to the Ancient Greek era, the country of Greece has remained firmly in the grasp of Grecians for at least 5,000-6,000 years. The Greeks were known to have taught the world revolutionary concepts and created the foundations of modern Western civilization.
The Newest Country in the World, 2022
The newest country in the world is South Sudan. The African country of South Sudan, which declared independence on July 9, 2011, is the world's latest internationally recognised country. It became a United Nations member in the days that followed.
In Korean society, age differentiates an individual's roles and responsibilities, and this generates a rigid hierarchy system in family, work, and communities. If you have been in a Korean community, you might have experienced that elders have the authority to make decisions.
According to South Korea's Criminal Act Article 305, the age of consent in South Korea is 20 years old. This is one of the oldest ages of consent in the world. Previously, the age of consent in South Korea was 13, one of the lowest in the world.
First, all you need to do is add 1 to the current year, then subtract the year of your birth, and you will get your Korean age. Second, if you're not good at calculating, you can just follow this: If your birthday has passed: Your Age + 1 = Korean Age. If your birthday hasn't passed yet: Your Age + 2 = Korean Age.