A 1941 Time Magazine article stated, “Whiskey is one of the cheapest and best painkillers known to man.” During the civil war, paramedics would give wounded soldiers whiskey when they ran out of opioids to keep the pain more manageable.
Red wine has greater anti-inflammatory action than other alcohols. indeed have heart health benefits over other alcoholic drinks.
Laboratory studies confirm that alcohol does indeed reduce pain in humans and in animals. Moreover, recent research suggests that as many as 28 percent of people experiencing chronic pain turn to alcohol to alleviate their suffering.
No need for morphine, we have whiskey. Many people still turn to the use of alcohol for pain relief due to its ability to depress the central nervous system. By slowing down the brain and nervous system, alcohol delivers a certain amount of relief.
Whiskey is no stranger to the health conscious, but what is it exactly that gives it this healthy reputation? With its high concentration of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, whiskey can help fight off illness, diabetes, cancer - even prevent Alzheimer's!
Potential Health Benefits of Whiskey
Its ellagic acid content may also reduce bodily inflammation and lower the risk of obesity. Research suggests that there are other health benefits to drinking whiskey.
If you wake up with pain every day, that is not normal. Chronic pain includes both severe and moderate discomfort. So, even if you aren't in agony, pain can affect your quality of living, especially for older adults. Complications include loss of appetite, mood shifts and fatigue, among other symptoms.
Persistent pain is very complex and may be caused by a number of factors. It may occur alongside conditions such as arthritis, diabetes or fibromyalgia. It may occur after an injury or trauma to the body has healed. And in some cases the cause is not known.
Chronic or persistent pain is pain that carries on for longer than 12 weeks despite medication or treatment. Most people get back to normal after pain following an injury or operation. But sometimes the pain carries on for longer or comes on without any history of an injury or operation.
Alcohol is a depressant. It slows down processes in your brain and central nervous system, and can initially make you feel less inhibited. In the short-term, you might feel more relaxed - but these effects wear off quickly. In fact, if you're experiencing anxiety, drinking alcohol could be making things worse.
A glass of vodka is a great way to calm yourself down. It acts as a stress-buster, which increases your serotonin and dopamine levels, which instantly puts your body in a relaxed mood.
Since alcohol can increase the body's production of dopamine and serotonin, two of the body's 'happy hormones', it can temporarily make us feel less anxious.
Rum. Rum is also grain-free, which means it's less inflammatory than other choices.
Which Alcohol Is the Least Inflammatory? If you're generally healthy, a small amount of alcohol every day probably won't lead to inflammation, reassures Jandes. “Dry red wine seems to have the least amount of negative health effects due to its higher polyphenol content and beneficial bacteria,” she says.
Medical professionals don't have all the answers, nor do they always have cures. There is no magic pill or intervention that makes chronic pain disappear. Sadly, some people with chronic pain may never be pain free again.
New research also has suggested that pain may follow a circadian rhythm like the body's internal 24-clock that regulates our sleep-wake cycle. "This helps explain why some people regularly have higher pain levels at certain times, such as during the night," says Slawsby.
Regardless of its source, chronic pain can disrupt nearly all aspects of someone's life – beyond physical pain, it can impede their ability to work and participate in social and other activities like they used to, impact their relationships and cause feelings of isolation, frustration and anxiety.
Often those who have a chronic pain condition will also have comorbid conditions, which can contribute to fatigue. Not giving your body all the nutrition and hydration it needs to be energized and ready to function will cause deficiencies; without the right fuel, the body will be fatigued.
The U.S. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism recommends that men consume no more than four drinks on any day and no more than 14 drinks per week. On the other hand, women should not consume more than three drinks a day and no more than seven per week.
"However, research has shown that there are even greater health benefits to people who drink single malt whiskies. Why? Single malt whiskies have more ellagic acid than red wine."