Lemon. All citrus fruits are known to be good colon cleansers, but lemons are especially good at detoxification. They act as an antiseptic to reduce waste matter build up and hinder the growth of harmful microorganisms.
An anti-inflammatory diet, regular exercise, good quality sleep, and probiotics are all strategies to put in place before trying antimicrobials or antibiotics to get rid of bad bacteria.
'Plant-based diversity is really important for gut health'
'I call them the Super Six: wholegrains; nuts and seeds; fruit; vegetables; legumes, beans and pulses; and herbs and spices. If you're getting some of each every day, that's enough to maximise gut bacteria and reduce the negative effects of antibiotics.
Prebiotic foods (whole grains, bananas, greens, onions, garlic, soybeans, and artichokes) act as food for healthy gut bacteria. Probiotic foods like yogurt are full of good bacteria already.
Lemon Juice
With the high amount of antioxidant properties lemon juice contains, lemon juice is another drink that can be used for colon cleansing. Mix lemon juice with sea salt, honey, and a glass of lukewarm water. For best results, drink this mixture in the morning on an empty stomach.
Try to sit on the toilet 15 to 20 minutes after breakfast. Do not ignore the call to open your bowels. Putting off the call to go can cause constipation. Try to work with the body's natural rhythm (emptying the bowel first thing in the morning).
Frequent discomfort, gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, and heartburn could be signs that your gut is having a hard time processing food and eliminating waste. You feel tired more often than not. People with chronic fatigue may have imbalances in the gut.
Yogurt is full of probiotics, and they supply healthy bacteria to fortify the tract's natural flora, helping digestion and boosting the body's immune responses. Basically, yogurt brings good bacteria into your gut to kick-start digestion and help you get rid of toxins.
Fiber-rich foods such as whole grains, leafy vegetables and fresh fruits will add bulk to your feces and help stimulate the bowel to push food along.
Avocado. Avocado is a superfood packed with fiber and essential nutrients, such as potassium, which helps promote healthy digestive function. It's also a low-fructose food, so it's less likely to cause gas.
Probiotics help replenish the population of bacteria in your gut, and Yakult does a good job of that. Yakult has 6.5 billion LCS bacteria per bottle! It does a wonderful job at keeping your gut microbiome healthy and populous. Plus, your gut bacteria don't just support your digestion.
As part of a balanced diet, eggs contribute to a healthy digestive tract and can be helpful during acute digestive problems. In addition to being packed with nutrients, eggs are usually easy to digest compared to some other high-protein foods, such as meat and legumes.
The detoxification process may vary from one day to weeks depending on the type of detox you choose. Good and adequate sleep allows eliminating toxins that accumulate throughout the day. Eating a diet rich in prebiotics and probiotics keeps your digestive system healthy, and thus helps in proper detoxification.
So to answer the question…to kill off dormant bacteria it can take up to 6 months. This highlights the importance that if any healthy habits are being adopted they must be sustained for at least this amount of time to result in permanent shifts in your microbiome.
What to avoid. As part of healthy eating, it's a good idea to avoid or limit foods packed with added sugar, which feeds bad bacteria, Blatner says, as well as highly processed foods, artificial sweeteners, red meat, and alcohol, which can have a negative effect on gut bacteria, and lead to inflammation.