Biotin is widely recommended as a nutrient that can help with the strength and quality of nails. Nails are made up of layers of a protein called keratin. When we ingest biotin, it reacts with cell enzymes and plays a vital part in producing amino acids, which are the building blocks of all proteins, including keratin.
Biotin (vitamin B7) deficiency can lead to brittle nails and there is some research that has shown an improvement in nail hardness with biotin supplementation, hence its use in hair, skin and nails vitamins. But a biotin deficiency is rare since most people meet their needs with a varied diet.
Keratin needs vitamin A, C, D, E, and B-complex. These vitamins keep nails hard, strong, and intact. Without them, the keratin dries out, tears, develops hang nails, and may be prone to fungal infections. You also need sufficient iron, calcium, zinc, and iodine.
Changes in nail shape and surface.
Nutritional deficiencies can cause several changes in the shape and surface of nail plates. A central nail plate ridge can arise from iron deficiency, folic acid deficiency or protein deficiency. A central nail groove can result from iron deficiency.
Koilonychia is indented nails. Instead of growing straight, your nails look concave, like spoons. In many people, koilonychia is a sign of iron deficiency. Usually, you can get rid of spoon nails by treating the underlying cause.
Dark or white stripes running across the nail—Dark stripes that develop across your toenails may be an indication of aggressive skin cancer that grows in the nail bed. Light white lines on the toenail can indicate liver or kidney disorders and signal that you are not getting adequate protein in your diet.
Because of its involvement in protein synthesis, a process essential to nail growth, it's no surprise that magnesium helps create beautiful and strong nail plates. Sufficient mineral, vitamin, and nutrient intake is necessary to support the nail beds in growing nail tissue.
Revolutionary nail fungus laser therapy has an 80% success rate. Instead of medications or debridement, Dr. Frankel offers a laser therapy treatment with an 80% success rate at permanently treating nail fungus. It's painless and performed in-office with three 10-minute procedures every four weeks.
Vitamin E: Vitamin E is considered a topical therapy that can help in the treatment of toenail fungus. It also supports nail and foot health by preventing cracked cuticles and keeping the nail around your nails moisturized.
2 Nail changes in vitamin B12 deficiency present as hyperpigmentation of nails like bluish discoloration of nails, blue-black pigmentation with dark longitudinal streaks, and longitudinal and reticulate darkened streaks. The nail pigmentation associated with B12 deficiency is more frequent in patients with dark skin.
Low levels of vitamin B12 in the body can lead to wide-ranging symptoms. Of the many, two of the lesser-known symptoms include “tingling” or “numbness” in the feet, according to the Mayo Clinic. This occurs because vitamin B12 contributes to the healthy functioning of the nervous system.
Tiny red lines under the toenail can be a sign of a heart infection. Red lines under the toenail could be broken blood vessels known as splinter hemorrhages. These occur when small blood clots damage the tiny capillaries under the nails. They can signal endocarditis, an infection of the heart's inner lining.
In fact, changes in the nails is a marked symptom of various liver conditions like liver cirrhosis, hepatitis C virus (HCV) and hepatitis B (HBV) virus infections. Apart from the nails, liver disorders also affect various parts of the skin.
While psoriasis and fungal infections can impact nail health, dehydration is the reason behind many cases of brittle, splitting, and fragile nails. In a healthy, hydrated person, 18 percent of the nail plate is comprised of water. When this moisture level drops, the nails become brittle.
The antibiotic properties of the oil fight against ailments such as burns, skin infections and skin disorders such as eczema. The antifungal properties of the oil cure fungal infections on the nails and improve the health and appearance of the nails.
When your body lacks calcium, your nails become thinner, weaker, and brittle. You may notice that they break easily and just don't look as healthy as they used to. Although nails and bones are made up of different substances, they're similar enough that poor nail health may be an early marker of bone density problems.
"White/yellow/greenish discolouration and thickening at the end of the nail spreads gradually to involve the whole nail which may be thick and brittle," said Practical Diabetes. It added: "The distorted nail can become sharp or break off, and can dig into neighbouring toes."
One of the most common nutrient deficiencies to show up in nails is a zinc deficiency. More prevalent in school-age children, this deficiency can present as scattered white spots. Usually, people can take a zinc supplement for a short amount of time to clear up these white marks.