The Carniolan honey bee (Apis mellifera carnica) is a subspecies of Western honey bee. The best bee for cold climates and also known as one of the calmest bees is The Carniolan. The best bee for pollination is The Caucasian, thanks to its super long tongue that can reach into the deepest flowers for foraging.
Carniolan bees are incredibly gentle and easy to work with. Due to their region of origin, they are more likely to forage on cold, wet days than other types of bees and rank among the best for overwintering. In addition, they create very little propolis and build up their numbers rapidly in the spring.
Apis Mellifera Carnica
This variety is smaller than other European species, and appears grey due to the large amount of hairs on its body. These bees are especially known for being gentle and incredibly easy to work with, making them perfect for backyard beekeepers concerned with aggressive behaviour.
Teddy Bear Bee (Amegilla bombiformis)
The Teddy Bear Bee is the world's cutest bee. And no– it's not just the name, but it is also as cute and cuddly as it looks.
Amegilla bombiformis, commonly known as the teddy bear bee or golden haired mortar bee, is an Australian native bee in the family Apidae.
dahlbomii is one of the largest bee species in the world, with matured queens growing up to 40 mm (1.6 in) long. Because of its size and furry appearance, the species has been described as "flying mice" colloquially, and "a monstrous fluffy ginger beast" by British ecologist David Goulson.
Carpenter bees are fairly docile and one of the least aggressive stinging insects. They are considered pests because they bore holes into wooden structures.
Solitary bees are non-aggressive.
Because solitary bees do not have a store of honey to protect they are non-aggressive, meaning they are safe around pets and children. The males generally have no sting and the females will only sting if handled roughly or trod on.
They produce neither honey nor beeswax and will fly in cooler and wetter weather than honeybees. And as is characteristic of solitary bees they are docile and rarely sting unless stressed, and their stingers are not barbed like honeybees.
Hymenoptera can either be social or solitary. Social bees and wasps that live in colonies are much more likely to sting in defense of a hive or nest than their solitary counterparts. Honey bees, yellow jackets, and paper wasps are the most common bee and wasp sting offenders in the US by far, says Schmidt.
Africanized “Killer” Bees
This bee species, which resembles its European honeybee cousin, has a much more aggressive nature. Although their venom is no stronger than that of the regular honeybee, the danger comes from the fact that “killer” bees attack in much larger numbers, usually the entire colony.
Italian Honey Bee (Apis mellifera ligustica)
One of the most popular honey bees in the country and a great choice for any beginner is the Italian honey bee.
Some of these include: The hive lost their queen — Queen loss is one of the major causes of beehive aggression. The survivability of an entire hive is determined by its queen's health. Therefore, when a hive loses a queen, they can get confused, nervous, and eventually become hostile.
Pros: Italian bees are highly productive foragers and once they get going for the summer they tend to maintain high numbers of worker bees. Their gentle demeanor makes them easy to work, and the light golden color makes the queens quite easy to see.
Top Bar Hives are the simplest type of beehive that you can build. They are very forgiving and you can construct these out of materials that you have on hand. Not only are they the easiest to build, but they are also the easiest to maintain for new beekeepers.
Carpenter bees are fairly docile and one of the least aggressive stinging insects.
Is there any laziness that can be experienced in a bee hive? Yes. The male drones, who do no work at all, but wait for mating season and then die. As for workers, some do seem to be idle at times, but they might just be resting after a long flight, or keeping the colony cool by fanning their wings.
What they look like: Honey bee is a widely distributed flying insect know for its ability to collect nectar from flowers and produce honey. Honey bees (right) are mustard yellow and brown. They have stocky bodies that are covered with many hairs to which pollen adheres.
Unlike wasps, yellow jackets and hornets, honey bees, Africanized honey bees and bumble bees sting and inject venom only once and usually die within minutes after delivering their sting.
Yes, some bees seem to make only a half-hearted effort to sting. The point of the sting pierces the skin, but doesn't go in very deeply. At that point, the sting can be pulled out if the bee begins to leave.
Sweat Bee (1.0)
They rarely sting, but when they do, the results are pretty puny by Schmidt's standards. In fact, his description of the sting — "light, ephemeral, almost fruity. As if a tiny spark has singed a single hair on your arm” — makes it sound more like a salsa you might need to go easy on.
Perdita minima are slightly less than two millimeters long! As a solitary bee, it constructs a diminutive nest in sandy desert soils.
Wallace's giant bee rediscovered. An international team of scientists and conservationists has announced the finding of what many consider to be the 'holy grail' of bee discoveries – Wallace's giant bee. The bee (Megachile pluto) is the world's largest, with a wingspan more than six centimetres (2.5 inches).
World's largest bee, once presumed extinct, filmed alive in the wild. Wallace's giant bee (Megachile pluto) has a wingspan of 2.5 inches and large jaws, almost like those of a stag beetle, which it uses to scoop up tree resin to line its nests.