Find out if you are eligible for an NHS-funded eye test in as little as 2 minutes. If you already know you're eligible for an NHS funded eye test or even if you're not eligible, you can still book an eye test with your local store. The cost of a
The cost of a Specsavers eye test varies, but it's around £20-25. The cost varies depending on a number of factors, including: The location of the store. If you're over 60 — UK residents over 60 can receive a free eye test every two years.
Private sight tests
If you're not eligible for a free NHS sight test, you'll have to pay for a private test. Charges for private sight tests vary, so it's advisable to shop around.
How Much is an Adult Eye Test? Typically, a high street adult eye test will cost between £20 and £30.
The NHS, together with Specsavers, will cover the full cost of an eye test for anyone who qualifies (funding does not apply to everyone). In some cases, the NHS will also give an optical voucher towards the cost of glasses or contact lenses. Find out if you qualify and what you need to do to receive your free eye test.
The NHS gives funding towards the cost of glasses or contact lenses, in the form of an NHS optical voucher, to anyone who qualifies (this funding does not apply to everyone). Some people are also eligible for NHS funded eye tests.
The majority of our customers qualify for a free NHS-funded eye test. See if you do by checking if you meet at least one of the following criteria: Aged 60 or over. Registered as partially sighted or blind.
Cost of glasses
Lenses tend to be even dearer, particularly ones that have additional features like bifocals or lenses with an anti-scratch or anti-reflective coating. Prices for lenses can start in and around £30-50 (less in some cases), and go up to about £300 for strong and complex lenses.
The eye examination usually takes around 20 – 30 minutes. During the examination, the optometrist will: ask you about: your general health.
You should have an eye test every two years or as often as your optician recommends. If you notice any changes in your vision, get it checked as soon as possible. If it's difficult for you to get out and about, ask your GP or optician if there's a home visiting optician local to you.
You will normally have to pay a minimum charge for an NHS eye test (around £20), unless you are under 19 and in full-time study. Charges for frames and lenses varies; you may be able to apply for help with these costs if you are on a low income.
Snellen test:
This measures your visual acuity (i.e. how well you can see with and without lenses in front of your eyes) to determine whether you have 20/20 vision or whether a prescription is needed to give you the best vision possible.
It depends on what eye condition you have. Laser surgery is available on the NHS for eye conditions that can lead to loss of vision, and can't be treated with glasses or contact lenses.
It normally involves a general check-up and conversation about your vision, followed by a series of tests, with a trained professional optician. Although, each examination will differ depending on individual needs and eye health, and usually takes no longer than 20 minutes.
There are a number of eye tests available online, however they aren't always accurate tools for diagnosing any eye conditions or the cause for a change in your vision. While they can be useful for understanding some eye symptoms, online vision tests should never replace a visit to your optician.
The value of a voucher ranges from £39.90 to £219.80, depending on the strength of the lenses you need. If, for clinical reasons, you need tints or prisms in your glasses, the value of the voucher will be higher to reflect this.
The NHS recommends that you should have your eyes tested every 2 years (more often if advised by your ophthalmic practitioner or optometrist). An NHS sight test is free of charge if you're in one of the eligible groups and the test is considered clinically necessary.
Sadly, nothing illustrates the Government's real intention towards the national health service more than the disastrous decision in 1988 to abolish free eye tests.
Provided your good eye has a normal visual field and adequate visual acuity, you should still be allowed to drive.
You're entitled to an optical voucher for help towards the cost of your glasses or contact lenses if you: are under 16. are 16, 17 or 18 and in full-time education. are a prisoner on leave from prison.
Specsavers glasses are relatively inexpensive compared to other brands because they use low-cost materials and parts in their manufacturing process. They also have a streamlined production process that allows them to keep costs down without sacrificing quality.
Do uni students get free eye tests? Students who attend University, unfortunately, can't get a free eye test under the NHS and therefore have to pay for it.
are aged 60 or over. are registered blind or partially sighted. have been diagnosed with diabetes or glaucoma. are aged 40 or over and have a close relative (parent, sibling or child) with a history of glaucoma.
There are 3 vision tests that can be done at home: Amsler grid, distance vision, and near vision testing. This test helps detect macular degeneration. This is a disease that causes blurred vision, distortion, or blank spots. If you normally wear glasses for reading, wear them for this test.